Sunday 21 January 2018

MS DOS Commands

 Introduction to MS DOS Commands

MS DOS Commands
MS DOS Commands are plays key Role in Windows and Programming Language to launch the Command Windows Follow theses Steps

According to Which operating System installed Computer based on have searched for Run Command
Box for Windows 98 to Windows 7 Programs-Run.Windows 8 ,Windows 10 we have search for Run 
 In Windows we have Internal Commands and External Commands

Internal Commands:
CD:Current Directory it will directly go to Main Directory
Syntax:-CD \ Enter it will Comes out From directory

Syntax:CD Directory Enter it will Goes to Directory
Syntax:CD.. it will Goes to Directory for Previous Directory 

MD: This Command uses to make Directory
Syntax:MD Directory Name Enter

Copy cone: it will create the file in the Directory
Syntax:copy cone Enter
Type the data
ctrl+z Enter
it will create the file

DEL: it will delete the file from the directory
Syntax:DEL file name Enter

RD: it will Removes the Directory before Removing the Directory in that files should not be there.
Syntax:RD Directory name Enter

CLS:it will clear the Commad screen
Syntax:Clear Enter

DIR:it will displays all the Directories
Syntax:DIR Enter

Exit :it will Exit from the Command Window
Syntax:Exit Enter

Label:it will used for change drive name ot hardisk
Syntax:Label Name Enter

VOL: this command will shows the volume label and serial number
Syntax:VOL drive Enter

External Commands

Format:it will erase all the data from that particular disk or drive
Syntax:Format Drive name Enter

XCopy:This Command is used  to Copy files and directory trees one disk to another disk.
Syntax:xcopy source files extension and destination file extension

DELTREE: This Command is Used to Remove directory along with Contents.
Syntax: DEL TREE drive Path Enter

DOS KEY:it is used to record the commands that we have entered so we should not type the commands again and agian

Syntax:doskey  enter

Backup:This Command will get the backup one or More files from one disk to another disk
Syntax:backup source file destination file enter

The Restore Command files were backed by using backup command
Syntax:Restore drive1 drive2:path enter


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