Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP CO Internal Orders

Internal orders:

SAP CO Internal Orders
Internal orders are used & decision making purpose

-          To view costs for a specific task
-          Vehicle wise costs/ - Based on petrol expenses & repair and maintenance
-          Telephone wise costs/exhibition costs/production order costs
-Orders are of 2 types

1.      Real orders
2.      Statistical orders
1. Real orders:                                           2. Statistical orders:

- Settlement possible                                    - Not possible
- Settlement possible in cost centre,             - Only for information/decision making
    G/L Account & Asset

- Settlement to cost centre – Internal settlement (With in Co)
- Settlement to G/L account – External settlement


Example:  Telephone orders:

FI postingàG/L account no – 100000

                        Cost centre administration – 100000
                        Order àTelephone – 100000
(We did not allocate the total amount to cost centre. Only 100000 is allocated because one is real and another is statistical)

a)      When we post to 2 cost objects only. One object will be real and others will be statistical.
b)      At the time of creation of order, there is a check box for statistical order.
        Order                  Cost centre
a) Select statistical order check box         Statistical                    Real

b) Deselect statistical order check box     Real                             Statistical

            In the month ending cost centers cost will be apportioned to product.

i. Real Orders:

Vehicle orders:                      (Allocation from order to cost centre)

Order – Red

FI posting – G/L Account
                        Petrol expenses
                        Order – Vehicle No: 1234
Settlement:It allocated to Dept A, Dept B & Dept C.

(Allocation may be percentage/ratio/amount basis)

ii. Statistical order (allocation from cost centre to cost centers)

FI posting à G/L account
-          Cost centre: Administration (Red)
-          Order vehicle – 1234 statistical
-          Cost centre admin: Dept A, Dept B & Dept C

1stScenario (Statistical orders)

Define order type:

SPRO à Controlling à Internal orders àorder master data à define order types (T. Code: K0T2 _ FUNCAREA)

Select new entries button

Order category: 01 (Internal order (Controlling))


Give the order type: AMLT

Description: Telephone orders for AML

Planning profile: 000001 (General budget/plan profile)

Object class: Select overhead costs

Select release immediately check box


It gives the message No. range not processed

Ignore the message, press enter

Save in your request

Select Assign/change intervals button beside No. range intervals

Double click on AMLT

Select Motor pool A – ZZZZZZZZZZZZ (External check box)

From the menu select edit à Assign element group

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Creation of field status group making cost centre and internal order mandatory:
(T. code: OBC4)

Select field status variant (AML)

Double click on field status groups folder

Select G004 cost Accounts

Select copy as button

Change the field status group to G002

Change text to: Cost Accounts (CC & IO) required

                           CC. cost centre & IO (Internal order)

Enter & Save

Save in your request

Select G002 and double click

Double click on additional account assignments

Select CO/PP order: required entry field


Creation of G/L Account – Telephone expenses: (FS00)

 Give the G/L Account No: 400305

Company code: AML

Select with template button

Give the G/L Account No: 400300 (Rent A/C)

Company code: AML


Change the short text & long text to telephone expenses

Select create/bank/interest tab
Change the field status group to: G002


Select edit cost element button

Valid from 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999


Cost element category: 1


Creation of Internal order:

Path:Accounting àControlling àInternal orders àmaster data àSpecial functions à order à Create (KO01)

Give the order type: AMLT


Order: TEL 66626246 (Telephone No)

Short text: Telephone No: 66626246

Company code: AML

Business area: AMH

Select control data tab

Select statistical order check box


One more order type: AMLT

Give the order: TEL 66626247
Company code: AML
Business area: AMH
Select control data tab
Select statistical order check box
Creation of order group:

Path:Accounting àControlling àInternal orders àMaster data àOrder group àcreate (KOH1)

Give the order group name: AML HYD TEL


Give the description: HyderabadTelephones for AML

Select insert order button

Select: TEL 66626246 & TEL 66626247


Posting of transaction in FI: (F – 02)

Give the document date: 13.11.2006

Type: SA

Company code: AML

Posting key: 40

Account No: 400305 (Telephone expenses)


Give the amount: 25000

Select cost centre: Dept A

Give the order No: TEL 66626246

Text telephone expenses

Posting key: 50
Account No: 200105 (SBI Current Account)
Amount: ‘*’
Business area: AMH
Text: ‘+’
Document à Simulate & Save
To view order wise report:

Accounting à Controlling à Internal orders àinformation system à Reports for Internal orders à line items àOrders: Actual time items (KOB1)

Give the order No: TEL 66626246


Select the line items

Select document button

Planning order wise:

Accounting à Controlling à Internal orders àPlanning àCost and activity inputs à Change (KPF6)

Give the version: 0

From period: 8

To period: 8

Fiscal year: 2006

Order: TEL 66626246

Cost element: 400305 (Telephone expenses)

Select from based radio button

Select overview screen button

Total plan cost: Enter20000

Save (or) (Ctrl + s)

To variance report order wise:

Path:Accounting àControlling àInternal orders àInformation systems à Reports for internal orders à Plan/actual comparisons àorders: Actual/plan/variance
(S _ ALR _ 87012993)

Give the controlling area: AML

Fiscal year: 2006

From period: 8

To period: 8

Plan version: 0

Give the order value: TEL 66626246


Real orders:

Creation of secondary cost element called settlement cost element (T. Code: KA06)

Give the cost element: 1000001

Valid from: 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999


Give the name: Settlement cost element

Give the description: settlement cost element

Cost element category: select 21 (Internal Settlement)


Creation of field status group making order required

Use the transaction code: OBC4

Select field status variant: AML

Double click on field status groups button

Select G002 (Cost Account CC & IO required)

Select copy as button

Change the field status group to: G010

Change the text: cost accounts IO required

Enter & Save

Save in your request

Select G010 and double click

Double click on additional account assignments

Cost centre: make it optional entry


Creation of G/L Account: Petrol expenses (FS00)

Give the G/L Account No: 400306

Company code: AML

Select with template button
Give the G/L Account No: 400300
Company code: AML
Change short text & Long text to: Petrol expenses
Select: Create/bank/interest tab
Field status group: Select G010
Select edit cost element button
Cost element category: 1



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