Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP FICO Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable (A/R)

SAP FICO Accounts Receivable
This is also a subsidiary ledger.

           This is used when sales & distribution module is not implemented

           This is used all types of sales (Product sale, serial sale & assets sales and all types)

When S.D is implemented: When scrap sales, asset sales
            When you make a sale

            (GL) It updates sundry debtors ß Customers A/C   Dr(Subsidiary ledger (S.L)
                                                                        To Sales A/C       (General Account) (G.L)
            In SAP it is called reconciliation A/C
            In normal Accounting it is called control account

Basic settings for accounts receivable:

            a.) Creation of customer Accounts groups:

               Two types of customs
               FI – Customers – assets sales, scrap sale parties
               SD – Customers – products sales
            b. Define No. ranges for customers Accounts:
c. Assign No. ranges to customer accounts groups
d.a.      Creation of 2 G/L Accounts:

i.        Sundry Debtors à Under Current assets, loans & advances
ii.      Sales Accounts – Under sales account
e.b.      Creation of customer master
f.c.       Document types and No. ranges

                        Dr – Customer Invoices
                        DZ – Customer Payment
                        DA – Customer document for transfers/reversals

g.d.      Posting Keys: 01 – Customer debit
                                          15 – Customer Credit

a. Creation of customer account groups:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable and Accounts payable àCustomer Accounts à Master data à Preparation for creating customer master data à Define accounts groups with screen lay out (Customers)

            Select new entries button

            Give the account group: AML1

            Name: FI Customer for AML

            Double click on company code data

            Double click on Account management

            Reconciliation accounts select required entry fields


            Select create request button
            Give the description of: A/R Customization for AML

            Enter & save in your request

            Select next entry button

            Give the account group: AML2

            Give the name: SD Customers for AML

            Double click on company code data

            Double click on account management

            Reconciliation A/C select required entry field


 b. create No. ranges for Customers Accounts:

            Same path (Transaction Code: XDN1)

            Select change intervals button

            Select interval button

            No. range: 32: From No: 6200000: to Number: 6300000


            Select interval button once again

            Give the No. range: 33

            From No: 6300001: To Number: 6400000

c. Assign No. ranges to customer Account groups

            Same path

            Select position button

            Give the account group: AML1


            For AML1 – Assign No. range: 32

            For AML2 – Assign No. range:33

            Save in your request

a. Creation of G/L Accounts: (FS00)

     1.    Give the G/L Account No: 200110

            Company Code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account No: 200150

            Company Code: AML


            Change short text & G/L Long text to Sundry Debtors A/C

            Select control data tab

            Reconciliation A/C for A/C type: Select customers

            Sort Key: Select 031 Customers No.             

            Select create/bank/Interest tab

            Field status group: (G067)


    2.     Give G/L Account No: 300000

            Company Code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account No: 300100 (Exchange gain)

            Company Code: AML


            Select type/description tab

            Account group: Sales

            Change short text and G/L Account long text to: sales account


b. Creation of customer master:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable à Master records àmaintain centrally à Create (XD01)

            Account group: Select FI Customers for AML
            Company code: AML


            Title: Select Company

            Name: J. K. Synthetics Ltd

            Address: Ameerpet: Postal Code: 500000: City: Hyderabad: Country: IN

            Select control data tab

            Give the vendor No: 8700001

            Select company code data button

            Reconciliation A/C selects 200110 (Sundry Debtors)

            Give the sort key: 031 (Customer Number)

            Select payment transactions

            Terms of payment à0001 (Payment immediately due next)


Document types and no. ranges: (OBA7)

            Select document type: DR (Customer invoices)

            Select details button

            Note down the No. range: 18

            Select No. range information button

            Give your company code: AML

            Select change intervals button

            Select interval button

            No. range: 18: year: 2006: From No: 400001 to 500000

            Enter and save

            Select back arrow 3 times

            Select type: D2 (Customer Payment)

            Select details button

            Note down the No. range: 14

            Select number range information button

            Give the company code: AML

            Select Change intervals button

            Select interval button

            No. range: 14: year: 2006: From No: 500001 to 600000

            Enter and save

            Select back arrow 3 times

            Select DA: (Customer Document)

            Select details button

            Note down the No. range: 16

            Select number range information button

            Give the company code: AML

            Select Change intervals button

            Select interval button

            Give the No. range: 16

            Year: 2006: From No: 600001: to 700000
            Enter and save
Posting of sale invoice:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à Accounts receivable à document entry àinvoice general (F-22)

            Document date: 25.08.2006

            Type: DR
            Company code: AML
            Posting Key: 01
            Give the account: 6200001
            Give the amount: 1000000

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: Sales posting

            Posting Key: 50

            Account Number 300000 (Sales A/C)


            Amount: ‘*’

            Business area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate and save

How to view customer account:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable à Accounts display/ change line items (FBL5N)

            Give the customer account: 6200001

            Company code: AML

            Select open items radio button

            Select normal items check box


Select back arrow to view vendor and customers transactions together:

            Select vendor items check box along with normal items check box execute

Incoming payment and clearing vendor & customer transactions together:

            Document type: ‘DZ’ should allow vendor and customer transactions

            Transaction code: OBA7

            Select document type: DZ

            Select details button

            Select vendor check box


            Save in your request


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