Sunday 21 January 2018

Profit Centre Accounting

 To view profitability product group wise/product wise/location wise/
            If business area is not used in FI

1) One location – No. of product groups

           |                    |                           |          
       Cement          Steels                 Pharma

            In that case you can get profitability.

2) Each location different product group

            Hyderabad           Bangalore               Mumbai
                   ↓                           ↓                            ↓
              Cement                  Steel                    Pharma

Profitability as well as balance sheet

The advantage of profit centre will be derived through derivation rules.

Example:expenditure – Through cost centers
                 Revenues – Automatic account assignment

In case of balance sheet items through business area

We have to create a dummy profit centre

-          Transfer to respective profit centre
-          We create derivation rules. Future transaction will not go to dummy profit centre.
Set controlling area:

SPRO à Controlling à Profit centre accounting àBasic settings àSet Controlling area

Give controlling area: AML


Maintain controlling area settings:

SPRO à Controlling à Profit centre accounting àBasic settings àcontrolling area settings à maintain controlling area settings (T. code: OKE5)

Standard hierarchy: AML

Select elimination of internal business volume check box

Profit centre local currency type

Select 20 (i.e. controlling area currency)

Select confirm button

Select store transactions currency check box


Creation of dummy profit centre:

Path: SPRO àcontrolling àProfit centre accounting à Master data à Profit centre àcreate dummy profit centre (T. code: KE59)

Double click on create dummy profit centre

Give dummy profit centre: AML dummy

Select basic data button

Give the name: AML dummy

Description: Dummy profit centre for AML

Profit centre group: AML


Set control parameters for actual data

Path: SPRO àControlling àProfit centre accounting à Basic settings à controlling area settings àActivate direct postings à set control parameters for Actual data
(T. Code: 1KEE)

Select new entries button

From year: 2006

Select line item check box

Select on line transfer check box


Maintain plan versions

Path: SPRO àControlling àProfit centre accounting à basic settings à controlling area settings àactivate direct postings à plan versions à maintain plan versions

Select version: 0

Double click on settings for profit centre A/C folder

Select new entries button

Year: 2006

Select on line transfer check box

Select line item check box

ER (Exchange rate): Type: B (Bank setting)

Select save button
Save in your request
Define number ranges for local documents

Path: SPRO àControlling àProfit centre accounting à actual postings à Basic setting actual àdefine number ranges for local documents (T. Code GB02)

Select maintain groups button

Select actual document from direct posting with GB01 check box

From the menu select intervals maintain

Give your company code: AML


Select interval button

Year: 2006

From No: 1 to 100000

Enter & Save

Select back arrow

Select planned document from direct posting with GB01 check box

From menu select interval maintain

Give your company code: AML


Select interval button

Year: 2006

From: 100001 to 200000

Enter & Save

Creation profit centre:

Path:Accounting àControlling àProfit centre accounting à Master data à profit centre àindividual processing à create KE51

Give the profit centre: Cement

Select master data button

Analysis period 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999

Give the name: Cement

Long text: Profit centre cement

Person response: A

Profit centre group: AML

Select activate button

Profit centre: STEEL

Select master data button

Name: Steel

Long text: profit centre steel

Person response: B

Profit centre group: AML

Select activate button

Assign profit centre in cost centre

Accounting à Controlling à Cost centre accounting àMaster data àcost centre àIndividual processing à change (T. code: KS02)

Give the cost centre: Dept A


Assign the profit centre: Cement

Select save button

Ignore the warning message, press enter

Cost centre: Dept B


Give profit centre: Steel

Select save button

Ignore the warning message, press enter

Creation of revenue element – (FS00)

G/L account No: 300000 (Sales account0

Company code: AML


Select edit cost element button


Cost element category: Select 11 (Revenues)


Maintain automatic account assignment of revenue elements

Path: SPRO àControlling àProfit centre accounting àActual postings à Maintain automatic assignment of revenue elements (T. Code: OKB9)

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML

Cost element: 300000

Account assignment detail

Select business area is mandatory
Save, Save in your request
Select AML and then double click on detail per business area/select new entries button
            |                           |                               |        
       Cement                Steel                     Pharma

                300000 – Sales cement
                  Hyd à Cement

                300001 – Sales steels
                Hyd àSteels

                300002 – Sales Pharma
                Hyd àPharma

(2)        Hyderabad                 Bangalore                   Mumbai
                    ↓                                  ↓                                ↓
              Cement                         Steel                         Pharma

300000 – Sales

                    Hyderabad - cement
                    Bangalore– Steel
                    Mumbai – Pharma

Give the business area: AMH

Give the profit centre: Cement

Give the business area: AMB

Give the profit centre: Steel


Choose additional balance sheet & Profit & Loss A/C
It is applicable only second scenario

Path: Same path

Select choose accounts

Transaction code: 3KEH

Select new entries button

Account from: 100000 to 299999

Default profit centre: Cement

Save & Save in your request

Select profit centre detail button

Select create step button

Give the step description: Profit centre derivation for item through Business area

Under define name: GSBER (Business area)


Select maintain rule values button

Select source field interval on/off button

Note down A/C No: 100000 to A/C No: 299999

Business area: AMH

Give the up due profit centre: Cement

From A/C: 100000 to A/c: 299999

Business area: AMB

Profit centre: Steel

Creation of Accounts group

Path:Accounting àControlling àProfit centre accounting à Master data à Account group àCreate (T. Code KDH1)

Give the account group: PL items

Profit & Loss account for AML
Select insert accounts button
Give account 300000 – 499999

Select back arrow

Next A/C group: BS items


Give the description: Balance sheet account for AML

Select insert account button

Give the range 100000 to 299999


Planning profit centre wise for P&L items

Path:Accounting àControlling àProfit centre Accounting à planning à Cost/revenues àChange (T. Code 7KE1)

Version: 0

From period: 8 to period: 8

Fiscal year: 2006

Company code: AML

Profit centre: Cement

Account group: PL items

Select from based radio button

Select overview screen button

For A/C No: 300000(Sales)

Profit centre reporting currency: 500000

For A/C No: 400100 (salaries)

Profit centre reporting currency: 400000


Planning for Balance sheet Accounts profit centre wise

Path:Accounting àControlling àProfit centre accounting à Planning à Balance sheets accounts àchange (T. code: 7KE3)

Version: 0

From period: 8 to period: 8

Fiscal year: 2006

Company code: AML

Profit centre: Cement

A/C group: BS items

Select from based radio button

Select overview screen button

For A/C No: 100300 (SBI rupee term loan)

Plan: 100000

For account No: 200105

Plan: 100000


Credit sales posting in FI (F – 22)

Give document date: 20.11.2006

Type: DR

Company code: AML

Posting key: 01

Account No: 6200001


Give the amount: 450000

Business area: AMH

Text: Credit sales postings

Posting key: 50

Account No: 300000(Sales A/C)


Amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate

Ignore the warning message, press enter

Save (or) ctrl+s

Expenditure posting (F – 02)

Document date: 20.11.2006

Document type: SA

Posting key: 40

Account No: 400100 (salaries A/C)
Give amount: 425000
Cost centre: Dept A

Text: Salary payment

Posting key: 50
Account No: 200105 (SBI Current account)
Amount: ‘*’
Business area: AMH
Text: ‘+’
Document à Simulate & save

To view various reports profit centre wise for P&L items

Path:Accounting àControlling àProfit centre accounting à Information system à Reports for profit centre accounting à Interactive reporting à Profit centre group àplan/actual/variance

Transaction code: S _ ALR _ 87013326

From period: 8 to period: 8

Fiscal year: 2006

Plan version: 0

Profit centre values: Cement

Profit & Loss account group: PL items


To view variance report profit centre wise for Balance sheet accounts

Path: Same path

Transaction code: S _ ALR _ 87013336

From period: 8 to period: 8

Fiscal year: 2006

Plan version: 0

Profit centre values: Cement

Balance sheet account group: BS items


Transfer values from one profit centre to another profit centre

Path:  Accounting à Controlling àProfit centre accounting à Actual posting à Profit centre document àenter (T. Code: 9KE0)

Select layout: 8A – 001


Give the company code: AML

Select entry screen button

Give profit centre: Cement

Account No: 400100 (salaries A/C)

In profit centre local currency: 200000



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