Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP FICO With Holding tax (Tds)

With holding tax (TDS)
SAP FICO With Holding tax (Tds)
                           |                                  |   
                                         Classic                                        Extended

Classic: SAP Introduced in India1995

1996, 97, 98,99,2000 if there is any changes the company will provide program called patches or hot packs

Extended:Instead of patches/hot Packs Company provides original program with additional program (Because patches are more than original program)

TDS is applicable other than salaries

Contacts    - 194C
Professional charges – 194J
Rent – 194I
TCS – Scrap sales/waste sales ( to collect at source)

In India TDS is introduced in DEC.2003
In Interim budget – introduced education cess-2%

                                    Previous         Present
Contractors                 26 L                     26
Rent                            26 I                      26
Professional Charges   26 J                      26

Sec 194c – TDS on contractors:
a)Recipient à  The person who is receiving money – It may be company, partnership firm or others

                                    Company/firm                       others

b)TDS                         2% of basic                            2% of basic
Surcharge                  10% of Basic TDS                 10% of basic TDS, if the value
                                                                                    Exceeds 10 lakhs in a year
Educational Cess       2%                                          2%

Educational cess is calculated 2% on (TDS + Surcharge)

c) Choice to use one code or number of codes – It is advised to go for No. of codes
d)  TDS is to be deducted at the time of invoice posting or advance payment posting which ever is earlier.
e) If the value is less than 20000/- in the whole year –TDS need to be deducted.
f) The contractor can get exemption certification from dept for nil rate/lower rates.
g) Exemption certificate given for each year.
 h)   To make TDS payment with in 7 days from the close of the month
     If 7 days comes on holiday, choice to pay one day before or after
i) Incase of year end credits – TDS to be paid before 31st May
j) Issue TDS certificate in form – 16A – you can issue monthly (or) consolidate certificate.
k) File annual return (Now quarterly) in form – 26
l) If the bid includes material and service changes – Deduct TDS on service charges.

Customization in SAP:

Check with hold tax countries:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Financial Accounting Global settings àwith hold tax àExtended with holding tax à basic settings à check with hold tax countries

Select position button

Give the country – IN (India)


Define official with holding tax codes:

Same path

Give the country key: IN (India)


Select new entries button

Official key: 194C

Name: TDS on contractors


Define business places:

Up to extended with hold tax the path is same, and then basic settings à Indiaàdefine business places

Give your company code: AML


Select new entries button

Give the business place: AMLF

Description: Hyderabad factory for AML


Give the name: Hyderabad factory for AML


Save in your request in accounts payable request

Maintain holiday calendar:

Path:SPRO àGeneral settings àmaintain calendar

Select public holidays radio button

Select change button

Select create button

Select with fixed date radio button

Select create button

Give the date: 26

  Month: 01 (January)

Give the public holiday short text: Republic day

Holidays long text: Republic day

Select create button

Ignore the message, press enter

Select back arrow and create holiday

Select holiday calendar radio button

Select change button

Select create button

Give the calendar ID – A1

Description: Holidaycalendar for AML Hyderabad factory

Select assign public holiday button

From the list select republic day check box

Select assign public holiday button


Ignore the message, press enter

Select back arrow 2 times

Select factory calendar radio button

Select change button

Select create button

Give the factory calendar ID: A2

Give the description: AML Hyderabad factory calendar

Give the holiday calendar ID: A1

Select Monday to Saturday check box


Ignore the message, press enter

Assign factory calendar to business places:

Path:Up to extended with holding tax the path is same. Basic settings àIndiaàassign factory calendars to business places.

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML

Business place: AMLF

Factory calendar: A2

Tax due date rule: select day before


Save in your request in accounts payable

Define with hold tax type for invoice posting:

Path:Up to extended with hold tax the path is same

Calculation à with hold tax type àdefine with hold tax type for invoice posting

Give the country key: IN (India)


Select new entries button

Give the with hold tax: K1

Description: Sec 194C contractors invoice basic

Basic amount: select gross amount radio button

Select with hold tax commercial round button

Select post with hold tax button

Select no accumulation radio button

Deselect manual with hold tax check box


Save in your request

Select back arrow

Select K1 (What you are created)

Select copy as button

Change with hold tax type to: K2

Description: Sec 194C – contractors invoice surcharge



Select back arrow

Select K1 & K2

Select copy as button

Change with hold tax type: K3

Description: Sec 194C – contractors invoice – basic ed. Cess

Select inherent base check box


Change with hold tax type: K4

Description: Sec 194C contractors invoice – Surcharge ed. Cess
Select inherent base check box
Enter & save

Define with hold tax type for payment posting:

Same path

Give the country key: IN (India)


Select new entries button

With hold tax type: KA

Description: Sec 194C contractor’s adv. Basic

Select gross amount radio button

Select with hold tax amount check box

Select no accumulation radio button

Deselect manual with hold tax check box

Select control invoice proportionate radio button

If advance paid:

Aug:         Vendor A/C    Dr   100000
                   To Bank A/C                      98000
                    To TDS A/C                         2000

September:    Conversion charges A/C         Dr       300000
                                 To Party A/C                                            294000
                                  To TDS A/C                                                6000

Transfer to advance

TDS 2000 Debit

(The use of centrally invoice posting is if there is any TDS on advance, that will be proportionately deduct while payment (TDS) is made on invoice

Save: save in your request

Select back arrow

Select with hold tax type: KA

Select copy as button

Change with hold tax type: KB

Description: Sec 194C. Contractors advance surcharge

Enter and save

Select KA & KB

Select copy as button

Change the with hold tax type to KC

Change description to Sec 194C – contractors advance basic ed. Cess.

Select inherent basic check box


Change with hold tax type: KD

Description: sec 194C Contractors adv. Surcharge ed. Cess

Select inherent base check box

Enter and save.

Define with holding codes:

Up to extended with holding tax path is same
Calculation à with holding tax codes àdefine with holding tax codes

Give the country Key: IN (India)


Select new entries button

With hold tax type: K1

With hold tax code: K1

Official with hold tax code key: select 194C

Description: Sec 194C contractors Invoice basic

Percentage subject to tax under base amount: 100%

With hold tax: 2%

Posting indicator: select 1: standard posting: bank/vendor Customer line item reduced


Save in your request

Select back arrow

Select K1

Select copy as button

Change with hold tax type: K2

Change with hold tax code: K2

Description: Sec 194C – contractor invoice surcharge

Example:Basic rate: 100000 * 2/100 = 2000
                  Surcharge: 10% on basic rate (or): 2000*10/1000=200 (or)
                                      0.2% on basic amount = 100000*0.2/100=200

With hold tax rate: 0.20

Enter and save

Select K1&K2

Select copy as button

Change with hold tax type: K3

With hold tax code: K3

Description: Sec 194C contractors invoice basic ed. Cess

Press enter

Change with hold tax type: K4

Change with hold tax code: K4

Change description: Sec 194C contractors invoice surcharge ed. Cess

With hold tax rate: 2%

Enter and save

Select back arrow

Select K1, K2, K3, &K4

Select copy as button

Change with hold tax type: KA

Change with hold tax code: KA

Change description to: Contractors adv. basic


Change with hold tax type: KB

Change with hold tax code: KB

Description: Sec 194C Contractors adv. Surcharge


Change with hold tax type: KC

Change with hold tax code: KC

Description: Sec 194C Contractors adv. Basic. Ed. Cess


Change with hold tax type: KD

Change with hold tax code: KD

Description: Sec 194C Contractors adv. Surcharge ed. Cess
Enter & save
Portray dependencies between with holding tax types:

Path:Up to extended with holding tax path is same
           Calculation à with holding tax base amount àportray  dependencies between with holding tax type

Give the country key: IN (India)

            2%       K1       45        KA      49
            0.2%    K2       46        KB      50
            2%       K3       47        KC      51
            2%       K4       48        KD      52
Use of the inherent base: incase of K3 &KD – Education cess is calculation on K1 & KA respective

Select with hold tax type: K3

Select details button

Dependent on type No: 45


Save in your request

Select back arrow

Select K4, KC &KD

Select details button

For K4 – Dependent on type No: 46

Select new entry button

For KC – dependent on type No: 49

Select next entry button

For KD – Dependent on type No: 50


Assign with holding tax types to company codes:

Path:Up to extended with holding tax the path is same.
            Company code àassign with holding tax to company code

Up to extended with holding tax the path is same.

Basic setting à check recipient types

Give the country key: IN (India)


Select new entries button

Give with holding tax: K1: Recipient: Co: Text: company

            With hold tax             Recipient type            Text
                        K2          -                    CO         -     Company
                        K3          -                    CO         -     Company
                        K4          -                    CO         -     Company
                        KA         -                    CO         -     Company
                        KB         -                    CO         -     Company
                        KC         -                    CO         -     Company
                        KD         -                    CO         -      Company

Select save button (or) (ctrl +s)

Save in your request

Maintain tax due dates:

Path:Up to extended with holding tax the path is same
            Basic settings àIndia àMaintain tax due dates

Select new entries button

Give the country: IN (India)

Official with holding tax key: 194C

Recipient: Co (Company)

No. of days until tax due date: 777
And press F1 (For documentation)
Assign with holding tax types to company codes:

Path:Up to extended with holding tax the path is same
            Company code àAssign with holding tax types to company codes

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML

With holding tax type: K1

Recipient type: select Co

Select with hold tax agent check box

With hold tax obligated from 01.04.2006

Obligated to with holding tax unit: 31.03.2007


Save in your request

Select back arrow

Select: K1

Select: copy as button

Change with holding tax type: K2

Enter and save

Select K1 & K2

Select copy as button

With holding tax type: K3


With holding tax type: K4

Enter and save

Select back arrow

Select K1, K2, K3 &K4

Select copy as button

Change with holding tax type to KA


Once again change with holding tax type to: KB


Change with holding tax type: KC


Change with holding tax type: KD

Enter and save

Activate extended with holding tax:

Path:Same path

Select position button

Give the company code: AML


Select extended with holding tax check box for company code: AML

Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

Ignore the message: Press enter

Save in your request

Creation of G/L Account TDS & Contractors and conversion changes


Give the G/L Account No: 100505

Company code: AML

Select with template button

Give the G/L Account: 100500 (Outstanding expenses)

Company code: AML


Change short text & G/L Account long text: TDS & Contractors

 other fields are same

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Give the G/L Account: 400200

Company code: AML

Select with template button

Give the G/L Account No: 400100 (Salaries A/C)

Company code: AML


Change the accounting groups to manufacturing

Change short text & G/L A/C long text to conversion charges

Other fields are same

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Assignment accounts for automatic postings:

Up to extended with holding tax the path is same
Postings à Accounts for with holding tax àDefine accounts for with holding tax to be paid over

Give the chart of accounts: AML
Select with hold tax code check box
With hold tax type check box
Give the with holding tax type     with holding tax code     Account
                        K1                                           K1                      100505
                        K2                                           K2                      100505
                        K3                                           K3                      100505
                        K4                                           K4                      100505
                        KA                                          KA                     100505
                        KB                                          KB                     100505
                        KC                                          KC                     100505
                        KD                                          KD                     100505
Select save button (or) (ctrl +s)

Maintain company code settings for excise:

Path:SPRO àLogistics general à Tax on goods movements à India àBasic settings àMaintain company code settings

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML


Save in your request

Maintain surcharge calculation methods:

Path:Up to extended with holding tax the path is same
            Calculation àIndiaàsurcharges àMaintain surcharge calculation methods

Select position button

Company code: AML


Select surcharges check box for AML


Save in your request

Maintain surcharge Tax codes:  (separate tax codes) :  same path:

Select new entries button
Give the country: IN
With holding tax type: K2

Country                      With holding tax type                       With holding tax code
   IN                                         K2                                                       K2
   IN                                         KB                                                      KB

Save & save in your request

Maintain surcharge rates: (Surcharges combined with basic with holding tax codes)

Same path

Select new entries button

Company   with holding tax type   with holding tax code    recipient     Surcharge
   AML                                    K1                               K1                          CO                10
   AML                                    KA                              KA                          CO                10

Save & save in your request

Remittance Challan:  To get TDS Payable line items co separately and others separately:  

            Conversion changes A/C     Dr
                        To party A/C
                        To TDS A/C

                          TDS on contractors:
           Dr                                                                          Cr

1- 1000 - Company
2 – 2000 - Others
3 – 3000 - Company
4 – 4000 - Company
5 – 5000 - Others

TDS on Company: is 8000

For companies (194C)

TDS on contractors    Dr
          To Bank

Specify document type for remittance challan

Up to extended with holding tax the path is same
Postings à India àRemittance challan à Document types à Specify document type (Accounts payable)

Select new entries button
Give the company code: AML
Remittance challan document type: SA
Save in your request

Maintain number groups:

Same path

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML

Business place: AMLF

Official with holding tax key: 194C

Number group: 004

Assign no ranges to number groups:

Same path
Select new entries button
Number group: 004
Internal No. range: 04

Maintain No. ranges:

Same path
Select maintain Groups button
Select group with out tax having 004
From the menu select interval àmaintain
Give the company code: AML
Select interval button
Year: 2006: From number:1: to number: 100000
 Enter and save
Maintain number groups to TDS Certificates:

 Up to extended with holding tax path is same
Postings à India à with holding tax certificates for vendors & customers à maintain number groups and SAP Script forms

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML

Business place: AMLF

Official with holding tax key: 194C

Give the form: J_ 1IEWT _ CERT

No. group: 003


Save in your request

Assign number ranges to number groups:

Same path

Select new entries button

Give the number group: 003

Internal No. range: 03

Save & save in your request

Maintain number ranger:

Same path
Select maintain groups’ button
Select group without tax having 003 check box
From the menu select interval àmaintain
Give the company code: AML
Select interval button
Year: 2006: From No: 100001 to No: 200000
Enter and save

Assign tax codes in vendor master:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à accounts payable à master records àmaintain centrally à change (XK02)

Vendor No: 8700001

Company code: AML

Select with holding tax check box


With holding tax type: K1

With holding tax code: K1

Select liable check box

Recipient type: Co

With holding tax type: K2

With holding tax code: K2

Select liable check box

Recipient type: Co

With holding tax type: K3

With holding tax code: K3

Select liable check box

Recipient type: Co

With holding tax type: K4

With holding tax code: K4

Select liable check box

Recipient type: Co

With hold tax type     With holding tax code           Liable             Receipts type
            KA                              KA                                 -                           Co
            KB                              KB                                  -                           Co
            KC                              KC                                  -                           Co
            KD                              KD                                  -                           Co

Press next page button ignore warning message

Press enter

Select CIN details button

Ignore the warning messages, press enter

Select with holding tax tab

PAN: AP99876543C

Select back arrow and save

User level:

Conversion charges posting (F-43)

Document date: 11.09.2006

Type: KR

Company code: AML

Posting key: 31

Account No: 8700001

Give the amount: 100000

Business place: AMLF

Business area: AMH

Text: conversion charges posting

Posting key: 40
Account No: 400200 (Conversion charges A/C)

If the values is less
Than 20000 in the
Whole year

If the bill consists of
Material 70000/-
Conversion charges

If the bill is only for conversion charges

Remove: K1,K2,K3,K4,KA,
For K1,K2,K3,K4 –With holding tax base enter 30000
Remove KA,KB,KC,KD

3rd Remove the codes KA, KB, KC & KD


Give the amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate

Double click on 3rd line item

Text: enter ‘+’

Select next item button

Text once again ‘+’

Select next item

Text: ‘+’

Select next item button

Text: ‘+’


From the menu select: Document display

Double click on 3rd line item: TDS on contractors
It show the value date: 07.10.2006

Creation of remittance Challan:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting àAccounts payable àwith holding tax àIndia àextended with holding tax à remittance of with holding tax àcreate remittance challan

Company code: AML

Fiscal year: 2006

Business place: AMLF

Posting date: 01.09.2006 to 30.09.2006

Sec 194C

Recipient types: Co

Document date: 07.10.2006

Posting date: 07.10.2006

Bank account: 200105 (SBI Current account)

Business area: AMH


Give the text: TDS Payment for September

Select process open items button


Double click on all the items

Select document overview button

Double click on SBI Current A/C 1/-

Amount: ‘*’


Select clearing document button

Enter bank challan: form 16A

Same path:

Give the company code: AML

Fiscal year: 2006

Challan clearing number: select 27

Internal challan No & challan date will come automatically

Bank challan No: 5678 (any no)

Bank challan date: 07.10.2006

Bank key: SBI


Print TDS Certificates:

Up to extended with holding tax: the path is same (User level)

With holding tax certified


Give the company code: AML

Fiscal year: 2006

Business place: AMLF

Section: 194C

Posting date: 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2007

Bank challan date: 01.05.2006 to 30.04.2007

Certificate date: 30.04.2007

Signatory: XYZ

Designation: Manager - Accounts

Place of printing: Hyderabad


Output device: LP01

Select print button

To view the print out from the menu select system àservices àoutput control


Select spool no. check box

Select display contents button

Printing of annual return:

Up to extended with holding tax the path is same (User level)
Reporting à annual returns

Give the income tax section: 194C

Company code: AML

Fiscal period: 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2007

Extended with holding tax section 194C

Business place: AMLF

Tax deduction account number: AP9879876C

Signatory: XYZ

Designation of signatory: Manager-Accounts

Date of signing: 30.04.2007

Place: Hyderabad


Ignore the error message
Give the tax deduction account No once again

Advance payment posting

Advance payment: (F-48)

Document date: 11.09.2006

Type: KZ

Company code: AML

Give the vendor A/C: 8700001

Special G/L Indicator: A

Bank A/C: 200105

Business area: AMH

Amount: 200000

Text: Advance payment posting


Amount: ‘*’

Business place: AMLF

Business area: AMH: Due on date: 11.09.2006

Text: ‘+’

Document à simulate


Double click on blue font line items


Invoice posting: F-43

Give the document date: 11.09.2006

Type: KR

Company code: AML
Posting key: 31
Account: 8700001
Amount: 5000001
Business place: AMLF
Business area: AMH: Billing date: 11.09.2006
Text: conversion charges posting
Posting key: 40
Account no: 400200 (conversion charges)
Remove KA, KB, KC& KD
Amount: ‘*’
Business area: AMH
Text: ‘+’
Double click on blue font line items
Text: enter ‘+’

Transfer of advance from special G/L to normal by clearing special G/L items:

Document date: 11.09.2006

Type: KA

Company code: AML

Vendor A/C: 8700001

Inv: 100007 (comes default)

Text: advance payment clearing

Select process down payments button

Give the transfer posting: 200000

Document à Simulate and save

From the menu select document display


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