Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP FICO Account Receivable

Incoming payment

SAP FICO Account Receivable
Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable à Document entry àIncoming payment (Transaction code F-28)

            Give the document date: 29.08.2006

            Type: DZ: Company code: AML: Clearing text: Incoming Payment

            Account under bank data: 200105 (SBI Current Account)

            Business Area: AMH

            Amount: 991000

            Text: Incoming payment

            Account under open item selection: 6200001

            Account type: D comes by default (D for Customers)

            Select other accounts check box

            Select process open items button

            Select standard open items check box

            Select A/C No: 8700001

            Account type: Select K

            Company code: AML

            Select standard item check box

            Select continue button

            Double click on all the line items

            DocumentàSimulate and save

Go and see the customers A/C – (FBL5N)

            Give the customer A/C: 6200001

            Company code: AML

            Select cleared items radio button

            Select normal items check box

            Select vendor items check box


Advance receipts from customers:
A) Creation of G/L Accounts, advance from customer under current liabilities and provisions

B) Link between Sundry Debtors and advance from customers.

Advance (A) – special G/L Indicator:

a) Sundry Debtors: Reconciliation Account
b) Advance from customers (Alternative reconciliation a/c) – Special G/L A/c
c) Advance receipt posting
d) Sales posting
e) Transfer of advance from G/L to normal by clearing special G/L Items
f) Clearing of normal items

Creation of G/L Account: (FS00)

Advance from customers: under current liabilities & provisions

Give the G/L account no: 100502

Company code: AML

Select with template button

Give the G/L Account no: 200110 (Sundry debtors)

Company code: AML


Change the accounts group to : Current Liabilities & provisions

Change short text & G/L Account long text to: Advance from customers


B) Link between sundry debtors and advance from customers

Path:SPROàFinancial accountingàaccount receivable and accounts payableàBusiness transactionsàDown payment receivedàdefine reconciliation account for customer down payment (T. Code :OBXR)

Double click on down payment or A

Give the chart of accounts: AML


Give the reconciliation A/C: 200110

Special G/L Account: 100502


Save in your request

Advance receipt posting:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Account receivable à document entry àdown payment àdown payment (F-29)

Give the document date: 28.08.2006

Type: DZ

Company Code: AML

Customer Account: 6200001

Special G/L indicator A

Bank Account: 200105

Business area: AMH

Give the amount: 9999

Text:Advance receipt posting


Amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate and save

Go and see the customers A/C: (FBL5N)

Give the customer account No: 6200001

Company code: AML

Select open items radio button

Select special G/L transactions check box


Sales posting: (F-22)

Give the document date: 28.08.2006

Type: DR

Company code: AML

Posting key: 01

Account: 6200001


Give the amount: 9999

Business area: AMH

Text: Sales posting

Posting Key: 50

Account No: 300000 (Sales account)


Amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate and save

Go and see the customer A/C: (FBL5N):

Customer A/C No: 6200001
Company code: AML
Select open items radio button
Select normal items check box
Select back arrow
Select special G/L transactions check box along with normal items

Transfer to advance from special G/L to normal by clearing special G/L items:

Accounting à Financial Accounting àAccounts receivable à document entry à down payment àclearing (F-39)

Document date: 28.08.2006

Type: DA

Company code: AML

Give the customer A/C: 6200001

Text: Advance receipt clearing

Select process down payments button

Give the transfer posting 9999


Go and see the customer A/C:(FBL5N)

Customer A/C: 6200001

Company code: AML

Select cleared items radio button

Select special G/L transactions check box


Select back arrow

Select open items radio button

Select normal items check box


Clearing of normal items:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à Accounts receivable à Account àClear (F-32)

Give the account No: 6200001

Company code: AML
Select process open items button
Double click on 9999 debit
Double click on 9999 credit
Save (or) (ctrl +s)

Go and see the customer A/C:(FBL5N):

Give the customer account no: 6200001

Company code: AML

Select cleared items radio button

Select normal items check box


Bill discounting: 2 types.

1. Fund based limits:

            Cash credits àLocal sales
            Bank over draft
            Packing credits
            Bill discounting àExport sales order

2. Non fund based limits:

            Bank guarantee (B/G)
            Letter of Credit (L/C)


30 days credit
AML à Discount with SBI àJ. K. Synthetics àLiability is unclear
                                                                                (Contingent liability)
It should shown in schedule VI – balance sheet as notes to be accounts

Bill discount entries normal package & SAP:

Normal A/C:
            a. Sales à Customer A/C    Dr
                                    To sales A/C

            b. Bill of exchange payment:
                                    No Entry

            c. Bill discounting
                              Bank current A/C    Dr
                              Interest A/C             Dr
                                To Bank bill discount
d) Report to view customer wise, Bill wise due data wise and bank wise out standing available in SAP

e) Contingent liability
            Bank bill discount A/C Dr
                        To Customer A/C

      a)   Customer A/C          Dr
           Sundry Debtors A/C Dr
                       To Sales A/C   
     b) Customer special G/L (W) A/C   Dr (Bill of Exchange)
            To Customer with clearing A/C
                     (Sundry Debtors)

            Bank A/C    Dr
            Interest A/C Dr
              To Bank Bill discount A/C 

The above 2 entries together
            Bank Bill Discount Dr(with clearing)
              To customer special (w) with clearing
            (Sundry Debtors bill of exchange)

Presentation to balance sheet (in SAP)

            Sundry Debtors = Sundry Debtors
            Sundry Debtors Bill of exchange – Debit    |    Net zero.
            Bank Bill Discounting – Credit                    |

1. Creation of 2 G/L Accounts:

            a) Sundry Debtors Bill of exchange– Under current assets loans and advances.
            b) SBI Bill discounting: - Under secured Loans

Path:use the transaction code: (FS00)

Give the G/L Account No: 200111 (Current Assets, Loans & Advances)

Company code: AML

Select with template button

Give the G/L A/C No: 200110 (Sundry Debtors)

Company code: AML


Change short text to Sundry Debtors (B/E)

Change G/L long text: Sundry Debtors (Bills of exchange)

Other fields are same

Save (or) (Ctrl + s)

2)G/L Account No: 100301
Company code: AML
Select with template button
Select G/L Account No: 100300 (SBI Rupee term loan)
Company Code: AML

Change the short text and G/L Account long text to SBI Bill discounting
Select control data tab
Select open item management check box

Select create/bank/interest tab

Select post automatically only check box


c) Link between Sundry Debtors and Sundry debtors Bill of exchange:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Bank Accounting à Business transactions àBill of exchange transactions à Bill of exchange receivable à Post bill of exchange receivable àdefine alternative reconciliation account for bills of exchange receivable (Transactions Code OBYN)

Double click on bill of exchange receivable/w
Give the chart of accounts: AML


Reconciliation A/C 200110

Special G/L A/C      200111


Save in your request

d) Link for Sundry Debtors Bank Current Account and Bank Bill discounting A/C:

Path: SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Bank Accounting à Business transactions àBill of exchange transactions à Bills of exchange receivable à Present bill of exchange receivable at bank à define bank sub accounts (Transaction Code OBYK)

Select new entries button

Give the chart of accounts: AML

Bank A/C: 200105 (SBI Current Account)

Usage: Select discounting

Special G/L Integrator: W

Customer’s reconciliation Account: 200110

Sub sub account for Liability: 100302 (SBI Bill discount)


Save in your request

Sales posting: (F-22)

Document date: 30.08.2006

Type: DR

Company Code: AML

Posting key: 01

Accounts: 6200001


Amount: 9999

Business area: AMH

Payment Terms: set NT 30 – Net 30

Text: Sales posting


Ignore the warning message, press enter

Posting key: 50

Account No: 300000 (Sales Account)


Amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate and save

Bill exchange payment:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à account receivable à document entry àbill of exchange àPayment (F-36)

Document date: 30.08.2006

Type: DZ

Company code: AML

Posting key: 09 (special G/L Debit)

Give the customer A/C: 6200001

Special G/L Indicator: W

Give the amount: 9999

Business Area: AMH

Text:  bill of exchange payment

Due on: 29.09.2006

Planned usage: Select, discounting

Domicile: SBI

Central bank location: Main branch, Hyderabad

Select choose open items button

Select process open items button

Double click on receivable amount: 9999


Note down document no: 500003

Bill of exchange discounting:

Same path: (F-33)

Give the document date: 30.08.2006
Type: DA
Company code: AML
Give the bank account: 200105 (SBI Current assets)
Business area: AMH
Amount: 9000
Text: SBI Bill discounting
Posting key: 40
Give the account No: 400400 (Interest A/C)
Amount: 999
Business area: AMH
Text: ‘+’
Press select bill of exchange button
Give the document No: 500003
Document à Simulate and save

Report to view customers wise, bill wise, due date wise, and bank wise out standings:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à Accounts receivable à Periodic processing àBill of Exchange processing à Korea à Bill of exchange management
(S _ ALR _ 87012213)

Give the chart of Accounts: AML

G/L Account No: 200111

Company Code: AML

Special G/L Indicator: W

Usage: Select D (Discounting)

Select discounted/collected radio button


Select current lay out button

Keep the fields
            Due date, document No, customer, received from document date

Domicile, amount in local currency

Select copy button, select save lay out button

Select lay out name: AML

Description: AML lay out

Select save

Reverse contingent liability:

Path: Accounting à Financial accounting à Accounts receivable àdocument entry àBill of Exchange àreverse contingent liability (F-20)

Document date& posting: 27.09.2006

Type: DA

Company code: AML

Currency: INR

G/L Account No: 200111 (Sundry Debtors bill of exchange)

Usage: Select discounting

Due by date: 30.09.2006

Customer: 6200001

Select edit line items button

Ignore warning messages: Press enter

Select drop down button for currency field
+ is set item to active
++ set items in block to active
- set items not inactive
-- set items in blocks to inactive
Select + set items to active
From the menu select document display.
If bill is dishonored:

 If bill is dishonored your contingent liability becomes actual liability

Pass the all the entries previous and pass entries (F-22)

            01 Customer A/C   Dr

            50 SBI Current A/C


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