Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP FICO Maintain period Control Methods

Maintain period control methods

SAP FICO Maintain period Control Methods
Same path: (Transaction code: AFAMP)

Select new entries button

Period control method: 006

Description of the method: 01/06/06/06

Acquision year: select 01 (Prorate at period start date)

Added year: select 06 (At the start of the year)

Retirement year: select 06 at the start of the year

Transfer: select 06 (at the start of the year)

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Save in your request

Maintain depreciation key:

Same path: (Transaction code: AFAMA)

Select new entries button

Give the depreciation key: AML (5% straight line depreciation method)

Select period controls according to fiscal year check box

Select depreciation to the day check box

Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

Ignore the message, press enter

Press enter to save in your request

Double click on assignment of calculation methods folder:

Select new entries button

Depreciation type: select ordinary depreciation

Phase: select from the start of depreciation

Base method: select 0014

Dec. balance method: select 001

Period control method: 006

Multilevel method: A1

Class: select straight line depreciation


Select back arrow 4 times

Select depreciation key: AML1

Select activate button

Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

Select new entries button

Dep. Key: AML2 (5% written down value method)

Select period control according to year check box

Select depreciation to the check box


Ignore the message press enter

Double click on assignment of calculation methods folder
Select new entries button

Dep. type: select order depreciation

Phase: select from the start of depreciation

Base method: select 0014

Define balance method: select 001

Period control method: 006

Multilevel method: select A2

Class: declining balance depreciation


Select back arrow 4 times

Select depreciation key: AML2

Select activate button

Select page up

Select depreciation key: 000: select activate button

And save

User level:

Creation of main asset master:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à fixed assets à asset àcreate àasset (AS01)

Give asset class: AML 2000 (Department A)
Company code: AML
Give the description: Machine No: 1
Capitalization date: capitalized on 15-04-2006
Select time dependent tab
Give the business area: AMH
Select depreciation area tab
Dep. Key: select AML1
Give the useful life: 15 years: periods: 4 months (only for information)
Ordinary depreciation started – 15.04.2006
Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Creation of sub asset master:

Path:Accounting àfinancial accounting à Fixed assets à Assets àCreate àSub number àAsset (AS11)

Give the asset no: 200001

Company code: AML


Change the description to motor
Capitalized on 25/09/06
Select item dependent tab
Select description areas tab
Only for testing: Depreciation key: AML2
Ordinary depreciation start date: 25.09.2006
Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

Main asset purchase posting:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à fixed assets à posting àacquisition àexternal acquisition à with vendor (F-90)

Give the document date: posting date: 15.04.06
Type: KR
Company code: AML
Posting key: 31
Account: 8700001
Ignore the warning message, press enter
Give the amount: 500000
Business area: AMH
Text: main asset purchase posting
Posting key: 70 (debit asset)
Account: 200001 – 0
Transaction type: select, 100 (External asset acquision)
Remove TDS codes

Amount: ‘*’

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate and save
Sub asset purchase posting (F-90)

Document date: 25.09.2006

Type: KR

Company code: AML

Posting key: 31

Give the account N0: 8700001


Give the amount: 100000

Business area: AMH

Text: sub asset purchase posting

Posting key: 70

Account No: 200001 – 1
Transaction type: 100
Remove TDS tax codes
Amount: ‘*’
Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate and save
Report to view year wise, sub asset wise values:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Fixed assets à Asset àAsset explores (AW01N)

Give the asset No. 200001 – sub No: 0
Select display depreciation calculative button
Select back arrow
Select comparisons tab
Give the fiscal year: 2007
Select display depreciation calculation button

Report to view for all assets for a particular period

Path:Accounting àfinancial Accounting à fixed assets à Information system àreports on asset accounting à asset balances à balance lists àasset balances àby business area (S _ LAR _ 87011965)

Press all selections button

Give the company code: AML

Give the report date: 30.07.2006


Double click on department A

Double click on machine No. 1

It goes to the asset explores

Select back arrow

Select back arrow 2 times

Give the report date: 30.04.2006


Double click on dept: A

Depreciation run:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à Fixed Assets à Periodic Processing àdepreciation run àexecute (AFAB)

Give the company code: AML

Fiscal year: 2006

Posting period: 1

Select planned posting radio button

Select test run check box


Ignore the message, select yes button

Select back arrow

Deselect test run check box

From the menu select program àexecute in back ground


To schedule in the nights àdate/Time button

Give date & time

Select save button

To run immediately

Select immediate button

Select save button

It gives the message back ground job was scheduled for programs RAPOST 200

To check whether the job is complete (or) not

System à services àjobs àjob over view

Select execute button

To view the document use the transaction code: FB03

Select document list button

Give the company code: AML

Document type: AF


Double click on document no.

Use the transaction code: AFAB

Repeat:To run depreciation once again for a month – depreciation will be posted for the asset where depreciation is not poster in the first run

Restart:when the server is down

Unplanned posting run: posting not as per plan (Monthly posting)

Asset sale:

To check field status group: (G052)

Use the transaction code: 0BC4

Select the field status variant: AML

Double click field status group folder

Select field status group: G052

And double click
Double click on asset accounting
Make asset retirement field – required entry field

Save in your request

Asset sale:

Accounting à Financial accounting àfixed assets àposting àretirement àretirement with revenue à with customer (F-92)

Document date: 01.05.2006

Posting date: 01.05.2006

Type: Dr

Company code: AML

Posting key: 01

Customer No: 6200001


Give amount: 501000/-

Business area: AMH

Text: Asset sale

Posting key: 50

Account No: 300102 (Asset sale)


Amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document simulate

Select asset retirement check box


Give asset No: 200001

Sub No: 0

Transaction type: 210 comes by default (retirement with revenue)

Asset value date: 01.05.2006

Select complete retirement check box

Select continue button

System passes the entry                                                        Asset Sale ( 200001 -0)

Purchase                                          500000
Acc.Depreciation on 30.04.2006         1096
   Net book value on 30.04.06          498904
Asset sale                                          501000
Profit on asset sale                                2096

01  Customer A/c                    501000   
70 Acc dep on p&machinery       1096
40 Asset Sale                          501000
50  Asset sale                          501000
75 Plant & Machinery             500000
50 profit on asset sale                 2096

Select Save Button

Asset Transfer:

Asset – 200001 – 0

Acquisition value        -          500000
Accumulated Depr      -              1096
Net Book value on 30.04.06   498904

Transfer to asset form Hyd Business area to Bangalore Business area

200001 – 0 Asset transfer to Bangalore business area Transfer Gross Block & accumulated depreciation

a) create a new asset master in Bangalore business area (AS01)
b) Transfer values

(Or) Create and transfer in one step

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Fixed Assets à Posting àTransfer àTransfer with in company code (ABUMN)

Give the company code: AML


Give the asset No: 200001

Sub No: 0

Give the document date: 01.01.2006

Posting date: 01.05.2006

Text:Asset transfer

Select new asset radio button

Description: Machine No: 50

Asset class: AML 2000

Select master data button

Give the business area: AMH (Bangalore business area)

Select additional data tab

Give the capitalized on 01.05.2006

Select depreciation area tab

Give the useful life: 15 Years: period: 3 Months

Ordinary depreciation start date: 01.05.2006

Select back arrow



To view the document (FB03)

Give the document No: 28 (28 is document no. that is out come of previous step)

Company code: AML

Fiscal year: 2006


Asset scrapping:

If Motor: 200001 – 1 – Scrap M 30/09/2006

To check sub asset value as on 30/09/2006

Use the transaction code(S _ ALR _ 8701 1965)

Press all selections button

Give the company code: AML

Business area: AMH

Report date: 30.09.2006


Double click on department A

Path for asset scrapping:

Accounting à Financial accounting àFixed assets àPosting àRetirement àAsset retirement by scrapping (ABAVN)

Give the asset No: 200001 – sub No: 1
Give the document date: 01.10.2006
Posting date: 01.10.2006
Asset value date: 01.10.2006
Text: Asset Scrapping

Go and see the document –(FB03)

Give the document No: 29
Company code: AML
Fiscal year: 2006

Capital work in progress line item settlement:

Capital work in progress:
Loading & Unloading


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