Sunday 21 January 2018



   In SAP we can call as House Banks

            In house bank we give details:

            Bank Name
            Contact person

            Telephone Number

    SBI Main       
Current A/C 1

SBI Begumpeta Branch

Current A/C 1

House bank will be created branch wise

Creation of G/L Account: (FS00)
SBI Current Account:
            G/L Account No. 200105
            Company code: AML
            Select with template button
            Give the G/L Account No. 200100 (Cash Account)
            Company code: AML
            Change the short & G/L Account long text to SBI Current account

Define house banks:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Bank Accounting à Bank accounts àDefine house banks à (Transaction code FI12)

            Give your company code: AML


            Select new entries button

            Give the house bank SBI

            Bank Country: IN (India)

            Bank Key: Any No: (876)

            Give the telephone No

            Contact person


            Save in your request

Select change button:

            Give the bank name: State Bank of India

            Street: Bank Street

            City: Hyderabad

            Bank Branch: Main branch

            Enter & save
            Double click on Bank Accounts folder
            Select new entries button
            Give the Account ID: SBI 1
            Description: State Bank of IndiaCurrent A/C No.1
            Bank account No: 9876543210
            Currency: INR
            G/L Account No: 200105

Create check lots: (We are giving check No)

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à Accounts Payable à Periodic processing àPayment (F110)
            From the menu select environment
            Check information
            No. ranges

            Final Transaction code: FCHI

            Give the paying company code: AML

            House bank: SBI

            Account ID: SBI 1

            Select change button

            Select create button

            Give the lot No.1

            Check No: 200001 to 200100

            Select non sequential check box

            Short Information – SBI

            Purchase date: Cheque book Issued date: 14.08.2006
            Enter & Save

Purchase invoice posting:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Accounts Payable à document entry àInvoice general (F-43)

            Give the document date: 14.08.2006

            Type: KR

            Company code: AML

            Posting key: 31

            Account: Select 8700001 (J. K. Synthetics Ltd)


            Give the amount 10000

            Business area: AMH

            Text: Purchase invoice postings

            Posting key: 40

            Account No: 200120 (Inventory raw material)


            Amount *

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate & save

How to view party account:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Accounts payable à Account àDisplay/change line items (FBL1N)

            Vendor Account: Select 8700001

            Company code: AML

            Select open items radio button


Go and see the G/L Account (FS10N)

            Give the G/L Account no: 100501 (Sundry Creditors raw material)

            Company Code: AML

            Fiscal Year: 2006


            Double click on cumulative balance: 10000

            To view party wise
            Select change lay out button

            From the hidden fields column

            Select assignment field

            Select amount in local currency under column content

            Select left arrow (or) show select field’s button

            Select copy button

            Sort key updates assignment fields automatically

Out going payment with clearing:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Account Payable à Document entry àout going payment à post (F-53)

            Document date: 14.08.2006

            Type: KZ

            Company Code: AML

            Clearing text: Out going payment

Account under bank data: 200105

            Business Area: AMH

            Amount: 10000

            Text: Out going payment

            Account under open item selection: 8700001

            Account Type: ‘K’ comes by default (Vendor)

            Select process open items button

            Double click on payable amount: 10000

            Document àSimulate

            Save (or) (ctrl + s)

            Go and see the vendor A/C (FBL1N)

            Give the vendor Account No: 8700001

            Company Code: AML

            Select cleared items radio button

            Select execute

Manual check creation:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Account Payable à Environment àCheck information à Create à Manual checks (FCH5)

            Give the house bank SBI

            Account ID: SBI 1

            Check No: 200010


Display check register:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Account Payable à Environment àCheck information à display à Check register (FCHN)

            Give the paying company code: AML


            Double click on check No: 200010

            Select accompanying documents button

Check encashment date updation:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Account Payable à Environment àCheck information à change à Additional info/cash (FCH6)

            Give the paying company code: AML

            Give the house bank SBI

            Account ID: SBI 1

            Check No: 200010

            Give the encashment date: 28.08.2006

            Go and see the check register: FCHN
            Give the posting company code: AML
Un issued checks cancellation

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Account Payable à Environment à
Check information àvoid àUn used checks (FCH3)

            Give the paying company code: AML

            Give the house bank SBI

            Account ID: SBI 1

            Check No: 200001

            Void reason Code: Select 06 (destroy/unusable)

            Select void button
            Go and see the check register: FCHN
            Give the posting company code: AML
            House bank: SBI
            Account ID: SBI1

            Once the check lot is over, keep the cursor on check number from to

            Select in ascending order button.

How to create void reason code:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable and account payable àbusiness transactions à Out going payments à Automatic out going payments àPayment media àCheck management àDefine void reason codes (Transaction code: FCHV)

            Select new entries button

            Give the reason: 26

            Void reason code: Stop payment for AML

            Save in your request

Deletion of check encashment date data:

Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à Account Payable àEnvironment àCheck information à Delete à Reset data. (Transaction code: FCHG)

            Give the posting company code: AML

            Give the house bank SBI

            Account ID: SBI 1

            Give the Check No: 200010

            Select reset cashing data radio button


            Select the yes button for the message reset data

            Go and see the check register (FCHN)

            Give the paying company code: AML

            House bank SBI

            Account ID: SBI 1


Issued check cancellation

En cash checks can not be cancelled

a.             Invoice posting à F-43
b.            Out going payment with cleared items àF-53
c.             Manual check creation à FCH5
d.      Display check register
    e.      Issued check cancelled
                                                            Vendors A/C                         
                             Bank     10000               |       Open Item     10000
                                          ---------             |                             ---------                        
                                            10000             |                              10000
                                          ----------                                          ---------
            If we cancel the check, open item 10000 is becomes open items/payable

e. Issued check cancellation

i.        Reset cleared items (To make it as open)
ii. Reserve transaction
            iii. Cancel check

Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à Account Payable àEnvironment àCheck information à void à cancel payment. (Transaction FCH8)

            Give the paying company code: AML
            House bank SBI

            Account ID: SBI 1

            Check No. Select 200010

            Void reason code: Select 26 (Stop payment for AML)

            Give the reversal reason: 01

            Select cancel payment button

            Go and the party account (FBL1N)
            Give the vendor Account No: 8700001
            Company Code: AML
            Select open items radio button

Go and see the check register: FCHN

Give the paying company code: AML


Advance payments to vendors

In SAP it is called as down payments to vendors.

a.      Creation of G/L Account advance to vendors under current assets, loans, advances
b.      Link between Sundry Creditors and advance to vendors
c.       Advance payment posting           - Advance – Advance to vendor
                                                          -   Purchase
            d. Purchase invoice postings
            e. master of advance from special G/L To normal by clearing special G/L items
            f. Clearing of normal items.

a. Creation of G/L Master (FS00)

            Give the G/L Account No: 200150
            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account: 100501 (Sundry Creditors raw material)

            Company code: AML


            Change the account group: Current assets, loans and advances

            Change short text & G/L A/C Long text to advance to vendors

            Other fields are same

            Save (or) (ctrl + s)

b. Link between Sundry Creditors and advance to vendors

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable & Accounts payable àBusiness transactions à Down payment made à Define alternative reconciliation Account for down payments (Transaction code: OBYR)

            Double click on down payment on current assets (or) ‘A’

            Give the chart of Accounts, AML


            Give the reconciliation A/C: 100501

            Give the special A/C: 200150

            Save (or) (ctrl +s)

            Save in your request

a). Advance payment posting:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Accounts Payable à Document entry àdown payment àdown payment (Transaction code: F-48)

            Give the document date: 18.08.2006

            Type: KZ

            Vendor Account: 8700001

            Give the special G/L Indicator: ‘A’

            Give the bank account: 200105

            Business area: AMH

            Amount: 8888

            Text: Advance payment posting



            Business Area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate and save

            Go and see the vendor A/C – FBL1N

            Give the vendor A/C No: 8700001

            Company code: AML

            Select open items radio button

            Select special G/L transaction check box


d. Purchase Invoice Posting:(F-43)
            Give the document date: 18.08.2006

            Type: KR

            Company code: AML

            Posting key: 31

            Give the A/C No: 8700001


            Give the amount: 8888

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: purchase invoice posting

            Posting Key: 40
            Account no: 200120 (Inventory raw material)


            Amount: ‘*’

            Business area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate and save

            Go and see the vendor A/C (FBL1N)

            Give the vendor A/C No: 8700001

            Company Code: AML

            Select open items radio button

            Select normal items check box


            Select back arrow

            Select special G/L Transaction check box along with normal items.


e) Transfer of Advance from special G/L To Normalby clearing special G/L Items:

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Accounts Payable à Document entry àdown payment àclearing (Transaction code: F-54)

            Give the document date: 18.08.2006

            Type: KA

            Company code: AML

            Vendor A/C: 8700001

            Give the text: advances transfer posting

            Select process down payments button

            Give the transfer posting 8888


            Go and see the vendor A/C (FBL1N)

            Company code: AML

            Select cleared items radio button

            Select special G/L Check box


            Select back arrow

            Select open items radio button

            Select normal items check box


f) Clearing of Normal Items

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à Accounts Payable à accounts àclear (Transaction code: F-44)

            Give the G/L Account No: 8700001

            Company Code: AML

            Select process open items radio button

            Double click on credit 8888

            Double click on debit 8888

            Go and see the vendor A/C: FBL1N

            Give the vendor A/C: 8700001

            Company Code: AML

            Select cleared items radio button

            Select normal items check box


2ndScenario   -           Advance more bill less:

Advance - 100000
Bill          -   20000
a.       Advance payment posting (F-48)
b.      Purchase invoice posting (F-43)
c.       Transfer to advance amount of Rs. 20000 from special G/L to normal (F-54)
d.      Clearing of normal items (F-44)

Net result: In balance sheet shown as current assets – Advance to vendors 80000

3rdScenario    -           Advance less – Bill More:

Advance          -           50000      
Bill                  -         150000
a. Advance payment posting (F-48)
b. Purchase invoice posting (F-43)
      c. Transfer of Advance from G/L to normal by clearing special G/L items (F-54)
      d. While making balance payment of Rs. 100000
           Double click on payable amount 150000 and amount paid 50000
           And the 3rd line items will go cleared items (F-53)


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