Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP Integration


SAP Integration
n SD: combination of sales organization, distribution channel & division they call at as one sales area.

Movement types: Posting keys in FI

101 à Material receipt against purchase order/production
102 à Reversal of 101
201 à Issue to cost centre (stores of all departments)
202 à Reversal of 201
261 à Issue to orders (Raw material shows)
262 à Reversal of 261
521 à Material receipt with out production order
522 à Reversal of 521
561 à Opening stock taking
562 à Reversal of 561
601 à Delivery
602 à Reversal of 601
Process key (Transaction key)

These are system defined keys
1)      BSX àInventory postings
2)      WRX àGR/IR clearing (G.R – Goods receipts)
                                               (I.R – Invoice receipts)
3)  PRD àPrice difference/production order differences
4)  GBB àOffsetting entry for inventory posting
                  a) VBR – consumption
                 b) VNG – Scrapping
                 c) BSA – Opening stocks taking
                d) SUF – Production receipt against production order
                e) ZOF – Production receipt with out production order
                f) VAY – Delivery where sales account is a revenue element
                g) VAY - Delivery where sales account is not a revenue account
                h) AUA – Production order differences
            GBBVBR – Raw material consumption A/C Dr
                    BSX -           To Inventors raw material local A/C

Valuation class:

- Valuation class determines the G/L accounts to be posted automatically.
a)      Raw material:  4 valuation classes
                             – Local
                                        - Imported
                                        - Inter unit
                                        - Inter company
            b) Stores: 2 valuation classes
                                 - Local
                                 - Imported

b)     Finished goods: 1 valuation class  -Own goods
Valuation area
Chart of accounts

Company Code

 Valuation group

Advantage is we need not create valuation group code each company code wise.

Material types                        Price control                          Purchase price

1. Raw material – ROH -           V – Moving average price -   Available
2. Stores & Spares – FRSA -      V - Moving average price -   Available
3. Packing material – VERP -      V - Moving average price -  Available
4. Finished goods – FERT -         S – Standard price -           Raw material + overheads

5. Semi finished goods:        
                Purchased – HALB -    V – Moving average price - Available
                Produces – HALB -      S – Standard price            - Raw material + overheads

6. Traded goods – HAWA -         V – Moving average price

7. Services – DIEN

Material types – similar to account groups in G/L

            In M.M we create material mater

-          Material master is to be created under material type
-          Material master to be created at plant level
-          When no. of plants are using same material it will be extended to other plants
-           Material periods we can open 2 periods at a time
-          In G/L it is called as tabs, where as in MM it is called

No. of views like:

-          Basic data
-          Purchase data
-          Sales data
-          MRP data
-          MRP data
-          Ware house
-          Quality
-          Accounting
-          Costing

Why systems support inventory account, not purchase account:

Purchase order

Price – 10
Qty – 5
Taxesà 8% Cenvat
              4% VAT
Other expenses à 2%

In normal accounting system

RM 1              If other expenses not taken

Opening stock             0
 Add: Purchases        63
Less: Closing stock   10
Consumption               X­­_

If invoice is not taken (Only  Delivery challan copy is taken)

Opening stock   0
Purchases                      0
Closing stock  20
Consumption  _X_


            Opening stock - 0
            Purchases 5      -63
          Consumption 3 – 37
          Closing stock 2 – 26
(Here the price of the goods is taken from purchase order).
MM flow (Material management flow)

1. Material requisition: Production dept to stores – called internals

            If the material not available, stores department raised.

2. Purchase requisition – stores to purchase dept

3. Purchase dept call for enquiry, quotations & price comparisons

4. Raising the purchase order by purchase dept
            Purchase order contains àVendor, Material, plant, quality, rate, delivery terms and payment terms

5. Release procedure – Work flow
            Up to 10000 àManager Purchases

6. Goods receipt à (G.R)
       G.R should be against purchase
Inventory Raw material local Dr – Balance sheet current asset – BSX                                              To GR/IR clearing raw material local – Balance sheet current Liabilities – WRX

7. Invoice verification à Verification against GR (or)/Purchase orders

            GR/IR clearing Raw material Dr – Balance current Liabilities – WRX
                        To party – Sundry creditors – Balance sheet current liabilities – Feam po

8. Consumption:

            Raw material consumption local Dr – P&L debit – GBBVBR
                        To Inventory raw material local – B/S current assets - BSX

9. Wages payment:

            Wages A/C Dr
                To Bank A/C

10. Production receipt:

Inventory finished goods (At product cost) Dr – Balance sheet current assets – BSX
Increase/decreased stock finished goods – P/L A/C credit – GBBAUF (Production order)                                                                                    GBBZOF (NO production order)

11. Delivery:

Increase/decrease in stock finished goods – P&L credit: GBBVAY – sales (At product)
                                                                              GBBVAX – Sales not revenue account
            To Inventory finished goods – Balance sheet current asset – BSX

12. Sales billing:

Customer A/C Dr – Sundry debtors – Balance sheet current Asset – From sale order
            To sales – P&L A/C credit – ERL

Profit & Loss A/c

(8) Raw material consumption

(9) Wages

Surplus in Profit & Loss




(10) Increase/decrease in finished goods

(11) Increase/decrease in finished goods

(12) Sales







Balance Sheet

(6) GR/IR                   

(7) GR/IR

(7) Sundry Creditors

Surplus in P&L A/C






(6) Inventory Raw material

(8) Inventory Raw                          material

 (9) Bank
(10) Inventory finished goods

11) Inventory finished goods
(12) Sundry debtors










Integration is based on 3 rules:

1.      In material master we specially valuation class
2.      For valuation class we assign G/L accounts based on the nature of transaction.
Material No
Valuation class
Inventory Postings (BSX)
GR/IR clearing (WBX)
3000 RM local
200121 (Inventory R.M. local)
150000 (GR/IR clearing RM local
400000 (Raw material consumption)

3001 RM Imported
200122 (Inv. RM imported)
150001 (GR/IR clearing RM Imported)
400001 (Imp. Material consumption)
3.      Stores person when he received (or) issues material he will enter movement type, material number and quantity. Accounts will be updated automatically based on account assignment to valuation class which is specified in material master.


Po1                                         Po1

Move type 101                        Raw material 1

Material No àRM1                           Qty: 100

Qty: 20 Kgs                            Rate – 5

Save                                        Vendor – 1234

Movement type 101 – Debit BSX – 200121 àInventory raw materials – Qty in GRX
                                                                                    Rate as per PO = 100
                                   Credit WRX – 150000 à GR/IR clearing.

1st rule:

In material master we specify valuation class:

Here RM1 & RM2 (Material master) is specify the valuation
Class 3000 RM local & 3001 RM imported respectively.
(2) For valuation class we assign G/L accounts based on the nature of transaction.

            Here valuation class (3000 RM local & 3001 RM Imported)
Assign G/L accounts Inv. Postings (BSX) ( 200121 – Inventory raw material local, 20012 – Inv. Raw material imported), GR/IR clearing. WRX (150000 – GR/IR clearing), 150001 (GR/IR clearing raw material imported)
 Batch mode:

     Batch:                  Qty                    Rate                Amount

       1          -              100                      10                    1000
       2          -              200                      40                    8000
                                 -------                                            --------
                                  300                                               9000
       1         -                10                         10                     100
                                                                                    +   180


            a) Inv. Raw material local A/C           Dr        1000 – BSX
                        To GR/IR clearing raw material local             1000 – WRX

            b) Raw material consumption local     Dr        100 – GBBVBR
                        To Raw material local                                     100 – BSX

Price difference:        Inv. Verification
                                    GR/IR clearing raw material   1000
                                    Inv. Raw material local             200
                                                To party                                   1200
Moving average:

            Stock partly available

                        Qty                  Rate                Amount

                        100                    10                      1000
                        200                    40                      8000
                        -----                  -----                    --------
                        300                    30                      9000
Consumption   280                    30                      8400
                        -----                                             --------
20                                                 600
Price difference                                                        40
                        -----                                               -------
20                                                                                                    640
                        ------                                              --------
a)      Receipt:

                  Inv. Raw material local   Dr    1000 – BSX
                       To GR/IR clearing raw material     1000 – WRX

b)     Consumption:

                        Raw material consumption local   Dr  8400 – GBBVBR
                              To Inv. Raw material                           8400 – BSX

c)      Inv. Verification:

                        GR/IR clearing raw material local      1000 – WRX
                        Price difference raw material                160 – Prd
                        Inv. Raw material                                   40 (20*2) – BSX
                                    To party                                               1200 (from P.O)

The difference between batch method and moving average method
In batch method it checks with material No and Batch Number only.

Moving average          -           Stocks not available
                        Qty                 Rate                Amount         
                        100                  10                      1000
                        200                  40                      8000
                        ------                 ----                     --------
                       300                  30                      9000
Consumption   300                  30                      9000

a) Receipt:

            Inv. Raw material load   Dr    1000 – BSX
                To GR/IR clearing raw material      1000 – WRX

b) Consumption:

            Raw material consumption local   Dr  9000 – GBBVBR
                        To Inv. Raw material                          9000 – BSX

c) Inv. Verification:

            GR/IR clearing raw material   1000 – WRX
            Price difference raw material  2000 – PRD
                        To party


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