Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP CO Cross Company Code

Cross company code postings in FI

SAP CO Cross Company Code
If outstanding expenses paid by ASL on behalf of AML – Entries

In AML           - Outstanding expenses A/C Dr
                                                To ASL

In ASL Books -          AML     Dr
                                       To Bank

Use the transaction code: (F-02)

Give the document date: 01.11.2006

Type: SA

Company code: ASL

Posting key: 50

Account No: 200105 (SBI Current Account)


Give the amount: 5000

Business area: AMH

Text: Out standing expenses payment on behalf of AML

Posting key: 40

Account No: 100500 (Outstanding expenses)

New company code: AML


Amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulates & Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Double click on 3rd line item

Give the business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Select next item button

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Select continue button

Accrual orders:(Inputed cost calculations)

- This is used for month and provisions in Co
- It generates only document in CO
- Cost element category – 03 – Accrual/deferred per surcharge
- For irregular expenditure we use this accrual orders
If the provision made only in year end in FI records.
 For the last month the cost of the product is high. Hence provision is made in Co regards for every month to reduce the product cost

In this scenario


30/11/06          Bonus A/C      Dr (Dept A)
                          To Outstanding A/C

01/12/06          Outstanding A/C        Dr
                            To Bonus A/C

2nd Scenario (open item management)

30/11/06          Bonus A/C      Dr (Dept A)
                          To Outstanding A/C
                  (Make entry every month)

3rdScenario (Made provision for Bonus (in Co.Records)

Salaries A/C    Dr        100000 (Dept A)
    To 10% Bonus                    10000

If bonus paid year ending

Bonus A/C      Dr (Dummy A/C)        120000
   To Outstanding expenses A/C                     120000

Creation of G/L account of bonus fund (FS00)

Give the G/L account No: 400110

Company code: AML

Select with template button

Give the G/L account No;: 400100 (Salaries A/C)

Company code: AML


Change short text & G/L account long text: Bonus account


Select edit cost element button

Give valid from date: 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999


Cost element category: select 3 (Accrual/deferred per surcharge)

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Creation of dummy cost centre: (KS01)

Give the cost centre name: Depart W

Valid from 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999

Give the reference cost centre: Dept A

Controlling area: AML


Change the name to: Dept W

Change the description: Cost cost centre dept W

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Ignore the message, press enter

Maintain overhead structure:

SPRO à controlling à cost element accounting àAccrual calculation percentage method à maintain overhead structure (T. Code: KSAZ)

Select create overhead structure button (F7)

Overhead structure: AML1

Description: Bonus calculation for AML

Select save button

Give the Row 10: Base: AML 1


Give the name: Salaries

Select create button

Row 20: overhead rate: AML2


Give the name: Bonus

Dependency: select KRS1 (Controlling Area)

Select create button

Give from to: 10 to 10

Credit: AML


Select create button


Ignore the message, press enter

Keep the cursor on overhead structure: on AML1

Select assignments button

Give the controlling area: AML

Select: Actual accrual radio button

Select continue button

Valid from: 01 2006 valid to 12 2006

Overhead structure: AML1


Double click on overhead structure on AML

Keep the cursor on actual accrual

From menu select environment à Bases

Double click on AML1 (Salaries)

Give from cost element: 400100 (Salaries A/C)


Select back arrow

Keep the cursor on actual accrual

From the menu select environment à Overhead rates

Double click on AML2 (Bonus)

Valid from: 01 2006 valid to 12 2006

Actual overhead rate: 10%


Select back arrow

Keep the cursor on actual accrual

From the menu select environment à Credits

Double click on AML bonus

Company code: AML

Business area: AMH

Valid to 12 2006

Cost element: 400110

Cost centre: Dept W


Assign Co. number range interval for the process (KAZI)

i.e. Actual cost centre accrual

Use the transaction code: KANK

Give the controlling area: AML

Select maintain groups button

Double click on KAZI

Select: Co document No. range interval for AML check box

From the menu select edit à Assign element group


Salaries posting in cost centre in dept B (F – 02)

Give the document date: 03.11.2006

Type: SA

Company code: AML

Posting key: 40

Account No: 400100(Salaries A/C)


Give the amount: 100000

Cost centre: Dept B

Text: salaries posting

Posting key: 50

Account No: 200105 (SBI current A/C)


Amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate & save

Accrual calculation

Accounting à controlling à cost element accountingàActual postings àaccrual calculation (KSA3)

Select cost centre radio button

Give the cost centre: Dept B

Period: 8

Fiscal year: 2006

Deselect: test run check box

Select: Details list check box


Select next list level button

Go and see the cost centre report (KSB1)

Give the cost centre: Dept B


Select back arrow

Give the cost centre: Dept dummy


Bonus provision on 31.03.2007 (F -02)

Document date & posting date: 31.03.2007

Type: SA

Company code: AML

Posting key: 40

Account: 400110 (Bonus A/C)


Ignore the warning messages, press enter

Give the amount: 10000/-

Give the cost centre: dept dummy

Text: Bonus provision

Posting key: 50

Account No: 100500 (Outstanding expenses)

Amount: ‘*’

Business area: AMH

Text: ‘+’

Document à Simulate & save

Bonus in the cost centre report (KSB1)

Give the cost centre: Dept Dummy

Posting date: 01.04.2006 to 31.12.2007


Period and closing:

Service cost                 Production cost
Enter                                enter

            While posting service cost, we don’t know to which production centre it is applied. Only month ending transfer cost from one cot centre to other cost centers.

Method: 1:(Here we transfer primary cost as well as secondary cost)
                   - Receiving cost centre can not track the original cost elements
                   - Co.document No. range intervals à RKIU
Method: 2 (Distribution):
-          Transfer only primary cost
-          Receiving cost centre can track the original cost element
-          Sender should be only cost centre
-          Co. document No. range interval – RKIV

Method: 3 (Periodic posting):

-          Transfer only primary cost
-          Receiving cost centre can track original cost element
-          Sender can be any cost object à Cost centre/orders
-          Co. document No. range intervals àRKIB

Method: 4 (Indirect actual allocation):

-          Transfer quantities and values
-          Co. document member range intervals àRKIL

Service dept: C

Salaries – 100000
Wages -   200000
 Rent -                   50000              Dept A: 90% (315000)
               ----------              Dept B: 10% (35000)               

Cycle: If allocation of cost elements are in different ways. We have to create No. of segments of No. of cycles.

If service dept:                       Production Dept
Salaries – 100000                      A           B
Rent -        20000                     75%        25%

Here we have 2 methods:

1. One cycle – No. of segments

           ↓                                  ↓
         Seg1                            Seg2


XYZ                            XYZ
   ↓                                  ↓
Seg1                            Seg2

            Here to better follow 1st method because of you can make any no. of segments automatically.
            In second method we can create up to 10 methods.

Statistically key figures: (S. K. F)

- Statistical figures are used to allocation of costs from one cost centre to other costs centers.

Example:No. of employees, sq. meter area etc.
- It can be fixed or total
- If you select category fixed, the values are common till the year end, if we don’t change in between – No. of employees.
- If we select category of total, the values are to be entered each month Ex: No. of electrical units consumed, no. of telephone calls.
- Here it generates co document (Number ranges for the process (RKS – (Actual statistical key figures)


Cost centre                  Production                  Production
Service Dept C             Dept A                         Dept B

      (Key Figure)

Salaries (No. of employees)
Rent (Percentage basis)

Creation of statistical key figure employee

Path: Accounting àControlling àCost centre accounting à master data à statistical key figures àindividual processing à create (KK01)

Give the statistical key figure: Emp


Give the name: Employee

Statistical figure unit measurement: Select PER (Persons)

Key figure category: select fixed values


Assign Co No. range interval for the process of RKS (Use the Transaction code: KANK)

Co. Area: AML

Select maintain groups’ button
Double click on the process RKS (Enter statistical figures)
Select Co. document No. range interval for AML check box
From the menu select edit à Assign element group
Save (or) (ctrl + s)
Enter statistical key figures:

Path:Accounting àcontrolling àcost centre accounting à actual postings à statistical key figures àenter (KB31N)

Give the receiving cost centre: Dept A

Statistical key figure: Emp (Employee)

Give the total quantity: 75

Cost centre: Dept B

Statistical key figure: Emp

Total quantity: 25


Note:enter the document date & posting date: 06.10.2006

Creation of secondary cost element

Path:Accounting àControlling àCost centre accounting à master data à cost element àindividual processing à create secondary (T. Code: KA06)

Give the cost element No: 1000000

Valid from: 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999


Give the name: Assessment cost element

Description: Assessment cost element

Cost element category: select 42 (Assessment)


Creation of assessment cycle

Path:Accounting àcontrolling àcost centre accounting à period end closing à current settings àdefine assessment (S _ALR _ 87005742)

Double click on create actual assessment

The final T. Code is (KSU1)

Cycle: AML1

Start date: 01.04.2006


Text: Cost allocation using assessment

Select: interactive check box

Purpose of interactive check box:


Service dept C (Rs. 100000):

It allocated to                      Product A – 80% - 80000
                                         Prod Dept B – 10% - 10000
                                    Service Dept X – 10% - 10000
(Here it will become 0 (Zero)

Service Dept X:

   +     10000 (From service dept C)
 It allocated to             Prod Dept H - 60% - 126000
                                    Prod Dept I  - 20% -   42000
                                    Prod Dept C- 20%  -   42000

42000/- allocated to service dept c will be again reallocate to various dept. up to it will becomes zero (0)
            If you select interactive check box it will allocate the costs up to zero automatically.
Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)
Save in your request
Select attach segment button:

Give the segment name: segment 1

Name: salary allocation

Assessment cost element: select 1000000

Sender rule: selected posted amounts

Share in percentage: 100%

Select actual value origin radio button

Receiver rule: select variable portions

Variable portion type: select actual statistical key figures

Select senders/receivers tab

Sender cost centre: Dept X

Cost element: 400100 (salaries)

Receiver cost centre group: select AML prod

Select receiving tracing factor tab

Statistical key figure: Emp

Select receiver weighing factor tab


Save in your request

Select attach segment button

Segment name: segment 2 (Rent allocation)

Assessment cost element: select 1000000

Sender rule: Posted amount

Sharing percentage: 1001

Select origin value radio button

Receiver rule: Fixed percentages

Select senders/receivers tab

Sender cost centre: Dept C

Cost element: 400300 (Rent)

Receiver cost centre group: AML Prod

Select receiver tracing factor tab

Statistical key figure: Dept A – 40%
                                   Dept B – 60%


Save in your request

Assign Co number range interval for the process (RKIU) (Use the transaction code KANK)

Controlling area: AML

Select maintain groups button

Double click on RKIU (Actual overhead assessment)

Select Co. document number range intervals for AML check box

From the menu select edit à Assign element group

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Go and see the cost centre report (KSB1)

Give the cost centre: Dept C

Give the period: 01.10.2006 to 31.10.2006


Assessment Run:

Path:Accounting àControlling àcost centre accounting à period end – closing à single functions àallocations àAssessment (KSU5)

Period: 7

Fiscal year: 2006

Deselect: Test run check box

Select the cycle: AML 1


Select receiver button

Go and see the cost centre report (KSB1)

Give the cost centre: Dept A

Posting date: 01.10.2006 to 31.10.2006



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