Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP Co Profitability Analayasis

Profitability analysis (CO – PA)

SAP Co Profitability Analayasis
Co – Controlling
PA – Profitability analysis

This is used to view profitability for number of parameters at a time.

If the client want to view profitability

Product wise/customer wise/sales order wise/plant wise/sales organization wise

-          This is called data cube
-          This is a reporting tool
-          Product costing is based on the based on data flown from          MM, PP, FI, CO
Here we have

-          Account based/costing based/both wise profitability analysis
-          Here we create operating concern

Operating concern can be

-          equal to controlling area (or) above controlling area

Controlling area can be equal to company code (or) above company code

Structure:company code = controlling area = operating concern

We are using called data structure

                                                Data structure                                              
|                                                                                                                     |
Characteristics                                                                                          value fields
       ↓                                                                                                               ↓
Sales order
Product                                                                                                   Sales
Sales organization                                                                          Cost of goods sold
Plant                                                                                                      Net profit
Sales employee

Profitability segment:
In consist of àsystem defaulted characteristics
Client required characteristics
Example of client required characteristics:

1.      Sales employee wise profitability
2.      Industry wise profitability

Data flow in profitability analysis

SD to FI

a)      Enquiry & quotation
b)      Sale order: customer, product plant, sales organization, quantity, price, delivery terms & payment terms
c)      Delivery: with out post goods issue/with post goods issue
d)     Billing

Define operating concern:

SPRO à controlling àprofitability analysis à structures à define operating concern àMaintain operating concern.

Operating concern: 1234 (It should be 4)

Select create button

Ignore the warning message, press enter

Give the description: Operating concern for AML

Select costing based check box, actual based check box

Select attributes tab

Give the operating concern currency: INR

Select company code currency check box

Fiscal year variant: V3


Select data structure tab

Select create button under data structure

Select the characteristic: KNVTNR (Sales employee)

Select left arrow

Select value fields tab

Select: VV010 (Revenues)

Select: VV140 (Cost of goods sold)

Select left arrow

From the menu select data structure àsave
From the menu select data structure àActivate
Select back arrow
Select ‘yes’ button for the message to generate the operating concern environment.
Ignore the message, press enter

Define profitability segment characteristics: (In segment level characteristics)

Path:same path (T. Code: KUQ3)

Give the operating concern: 1234


For product & Customer

Select costing base & Account base radio butt


Save in your request

Assign controlling area: to operating concern:

Path:SPRO àenterprises structure à assignment à controlling àassign controlling area to operating concern

Select position button

Give the controlling area: AML

Enter: for controlling area: AML, assign operating concern: 1234

Ignore the warning message, press enter
Define No. ranges for actual postings:

SPRO à controlling àprofitability analysis à flows of actual values à initial steps àdefine number ranges for actual postings (T. Code: KEN1)

Give the operating concern: 1234

Select maintain groups’ button

Select generated groups check box

From the menu select interval àmaintain

Give the No from: 1 to 999999999

Maintain assignment of SD conditions to Co – PA value fields

Path:SPRO àcontrolling àprofitability analysis à flows of actual values à transfer of billing documents àassign value fields

Double click on maintain assignment of SD conditions to CO-PA value fields (T. Code: KE41)

Select new entries button

Open one more session & set operating concern idea

Path:SPRO àcontrolling àprofitability analysis à structures à set operating concern

Give the operating concern: IDEA


Use the transaction code: KE41

Come to the 1st session

Give the condition type: PR00 (Rice)

Select value fields – VV010 (Revenues)

Select VPRS (Costs)
Select value fields – VV140 (Cost of goods sols)
Maintain PA (Profitability analysis) structure for direct postings:

SPRO à controlling àprofitability analysis à flows of actual values à direct postings from FI/MM àmaintain PA transfer structure for direct postings (T. code: KET2)

Select the structure: FI (Financial accounting to CO – PA)

Double click on assignment lines folder

Select: 20 (Direct revenues from FI)

Double click on source folder

Give the cost element: from 300000 to 399999

Double click on value fields’ folder

Select new entries button

Qty/value à select value field

Fixed variable à select 1 (Fixed amounts)

Value fields à select VV010 (Revenue)


Save in your request

Double click on assignment lines folder

Select assignment: 10 (Direct costs from FI)

Give the cost element: from 400000 to 499999

Double click on value fields’ folder

Select new entries button

Qty/value à select value field

Fixed variable à select 1 (Fixed amounts)

Value fields à select VV140 (Cost of goods sold)

Activate profitability analysis:

Path:same path (T. Code: KEKE)

Select position button

Give the controlling area: AML


For controlling area: DRL – Active status select a4 (Component active For both types of profitability analysis)


Save in your request

Sale order creation:

Path:Logistics àsales & distribution à sales à order à create (T. Code: VA01)

Give the sales organization: AMLH

Distribution channel: AD

Division: A1

Order type: OR (standard order)


Sold to party: VBC Industries Pvt. Ltd

Give the P. O. order: 5678

Required delivery date: 03.12.2006

Delivery plant: AMLP

Payment terms: 0001

Item: 10;         

Material No: AMLFG

Order qty: 1 kg

Ignore the messages, press enter

Select item 10

From the menu select àgo to item condition

Select: Shipping tab

From the menu select edit àIncompletion log

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Note:Sales order No: 8209

Production receipt with out production order:

Path:Logistics àMaterials management à Inventory management à Goods movement àgoods receipt àOther (MB1C)

Give the movement type: 521

Plant: AMLP

Storage location: Hyd


Give the material type: AMLFG

Qty: 20 Kegs


Ignore the warning message, press enter

From the menu select other goods receipts àdisplay


Select accounting documents button

Select accounting document No:

Account No                Description                 INR

200122                        Inventory FG              10000 – DRLFG1 – DRL1 (BSX)
300201                        Inc/Dec in stock FG    10000 – DRLFG1 – DRL1 – (GBBZAX)
                                                                        Qty & standard price


Logistics à sales & Distribution àsales àorder àsubsequent functions à outbound delivery (VL01N)

Give the shipping point: AMLS

Give the sales order number: 8209 (What it is created in sales order)


Actual GI date (Goods issue date): 03.12.2006

Select item: 10

Select picking tab

Pick quantity: Enter 1

Select post goods issue button

From the Menu select out bound delivery àdisplay


From the Menu select environment àDocument flow

Keep the cursor on goods issue

Select display document button

Select accounting documents button

Select accounting document No:

200122            Inventory FG              500 àDRLFG1 àDRL1 – (BSX)
300201            Inc/dec in stock FG     500 àDRLFG1 àDRL1 – GBBVAY

Billing document:

Same path: (VF02)

Select the delivery document No: 11341



From the menu select billing document àdisplay

Select accounting button

Select accounting document No

Report generation through report painter

Define forms

SPRO à Controlling àProfitability analysis à information system à report components àdefine forms àdefine forms for profitability reports

Double click on create form

Give the form name: AML

Description: AML Form (T. Code: KE34)

Select two axes (Matrix) radio button

Select create button

Select operating concern currency radio button


Double click on: Row 1

Select value field with characteristics radio button


Value field select: VV01 (Revenue)

Select: Confirm button
Double click on: Row2

Select value field with characteristics radio button


Value field select: VV140 (Cost of goods sold)

Select: Confirm button

Double click on: Row3

Select formula radio button


Select Y001 (Revenue)

Select Minus (-) button

Select Y002 (Cost of goods sold button)


Short description: Net profit

Select copy short text button


Double click on column1

Select characteristics radio button


Select from the available characteristics plan/actual indicator

Select left arrow

For plant/actual indicator: Select 0 (Actual data)

Select confirm button


From the menu select edit àGeneral data selection à General data selection

From the available characteristics select record type, select period/year

Select left arrow

For record type: select from column B to column select F (Billing data)

For period/year

For from column: Select variable on/off check box

Local variable: enter1


For to column: Select variable on/off check box

Give the local variable: 2


Select confirm button

From the menu select extras àVariables àvariables of definition

1-      description: From period/year
2-      description: To period/year

Enter & Save

Create profitability report:

Same path

Double click on create profitability report

Transaction code: KE31

Give the report name: AML Profit

Description: AML Profitability

Select: Report with form radio button

Give the form name: AML
Select create button

Select customer, product, plant, select sales organization from characteristics list

Select left arrow

Select output type tab

Select: Class drill down radio button

Select available on selection screen check box


Select execute button

Give from period/year: 01.2006

To period/year: 12.2006


Ignore the message, select ‘yes’ button

To view product wise:

From the menu select navigate àswitch drill down

Double click on product


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