Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP SD to FI Intergration

SD to FI Integration

SAP SD to FI Intergration
Insert regions:

SPRO à general settings àset countries àInsert regions

Select new entries button

Give the country: IN (India)

Region: AP;    Description: Andhra Pradesh


Define sales organization

SPRO à Enterprises structure àDefinition àsales & distribution à define, copy, delete check sales organization

Double click on define sales organization

Select new entries button

Sales organization: AMLS

Description: Hyderabad sales organization

Statistics currency: INR

Save (or) (Ctrl + s)

Ignore the warning message, press enter

Name: Hyderabad sales organization

Country: IN (India)


Select create request button

Short description: SD Customization for AML


Press enter to saving the request
Define distribution channel

Same path

Double click on define distribution channel

Select new entries button

Distribution channel: AD

Description: Direct sales


Save in your request

Define shipping point:

SPRO à enterprises structure àdefinition àlogistics execution à define, copy, delete, check shipping point.

Double click on define shipping point

Select new entries button

Give the shipping point: AMSH

Description: Hyderabad shipping point


Give the name: Hyderabad shipping point

Country: IN (India)


Press enter to save in your request

Assign sales organization to company code

SPRO à enterprises structure àAssignment àsales and distribution à Assign sales organization to company code

Select final button

Give the company code: AML


Select company code: AML

Select assign button

Select: AMLS check box


Save (or) (Ctrl + s)

Save in your request

Assign distribution channel to sales organization

Same path

Select find button

Give: AMLS


Select: AMLS

Select: Assign button

Select: AD check box (Direct sales)

Enter & Save

Save in your request

Assign division to sales organization

Same path

Select find button

Give: AMLS


Select: AMLS

Select: Assign button

Select: A1 (Cement division)

Enter & Save

Save in your request

Set up sales area:

Path:same path

Select find button

Give: AMLS


Select: AMLS

Select: Assign button

Select: AD check box (Direct sales)


Keep the cursor on AD

Select: assign button

Select: A1 (Cement division check box)

Enter & Save
Save in your request
Assign sales organization – Distribution channel – plant

Select find button

Give: AMLS


Select: AMLS

Select assign button

Select AMLP check box

Enter & Save

Save in your request

Define rules by sales area:

SPRO à enterprises structure àAssignment àSales and distribution à Business area account assignment àdefine rules by sales area

Select position button

Give the sales organization: AMLS


For AMLS select rule 001 (Business area determination from plant/division


Save in your request

Assign shipping point to plant

SPRO à enterprises structure àassignment àlogistics execution à assign shipping point to plant

Select find button

Give: AMLP


Select: AMLP

Select: Assign button

Select: AMSH (Hyderabad shipping point) check box

Enter & save

Define pricing procedure determination

SPRO à sales & distribution àBasic functions àpricing àpricing control àdefine & Assign pricing procedures

Double click on define pricing procedure determination

Select new entries button

Sales organization: AMLS

Distribution channel: AD (Direct sales)

Division: A1 (Cement division)

Document procedure: A (Standard)

Customer pricing procedure: Select 1 (Standard)

Pricing procedure: Select RVW01 (Standard)

Condition type: Select PRO0 (Price)


Save in your request

Define tax determination rules:

SPRO à Sales & distribution àBasic functions àTaxes àdefine tax determination rules

Select new entries button

Tax country: select IN (India);           sequence: 1
Tax category: Select MWST (Output tax)
Creation of G/L master, sales local own goods (FS00)

Give the G/L account No: 300001

Company code: AML

Select with template button

G/L account No: 300000 (Sales account)

Company code: AML


Change short text & G/L account long text to: Sales local own goods

Select create/bank/interest tab

Field status group: G029 (Revenue accounts)


Select edit cost element button

Valid from date: 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999


Cost element category: 11 (Revenues)


Assignment of accounts for automatic postings:

SPRO à sales & distribution àBasic functions àaccounts assignment/costing à Revenue account determination àAssign G/L accounts (T. Code: VKOA)

Double click on table: 001

Select new entries button

Application area: Select V (Sales & distribution)

Condition type: Select KOFI

Chart of accounts: AML
Sales organization: AMLS

Account assignment group for customer: select 01 (Domestic revenues)

Account assignment group for materials: Select 03 (finished goods)

Account key: select ERL (Sales revenues)
G/L account No: 300001 (Sales local own goods)


Save in your request

Set up partner determination:

            4 types of partners:

SP – Sold to party – fixed – Net modifiable
SH – Ship to party
BP – Bill to party
PY – Payee

Path:SPRO àsales & distribution à Basic functions à partner determination àset up partner determination

Double click on set up partner determination for customer master

Double click on partners function folder

Select: SP (Sold to party)

Double click on account groups – function assignment folder

Select new entries button

Partner function: SP (Sold to party), enter: SH (AML); BP (AML2), PY (AML2)

Account group: AML2 (SD customers for AML)

Enter & Save

Save in your request

Double click on partner’s determination procedures folder

Select new entries button

Give the partner determination procedure: AML

Name: AML (Partner determination procedure)


Ignore the message, press enter

Select: AML

Double click on partner functions in procedure folder

Select new entries button

Give the partner function: SP (Sold to party)

Select not modifiable check box

Select mandatory function check box

Partner function: SH (Ship to party)

Select mandatory function check box

Select: BP (Bill to party); select mandatory function check box

Select: PY (Payee); select mandatory function check box
Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Select back arrow 2 times

Select: AML

Double click on partner determination procedure assignment folder

Select position button

Account group: AML2
For AML2: Assign AML

Assign shipping points:

SPRO à logistics execution àshipping àBasic shipping functions à shipping point & goods receive point determination àassign shipping points

Select new entries button

Shipping condition: 01 (As soon as possible)

Loading group: 0003 (Manual)

Plant: AMLP
Proposed shipping point: AMSH

Save, save in your request

Creation of customer master: (XD01)

Account group: Select SD customers for AML

Company code: AML

Sales organization: AMLS

Distribution channel: AD

Division: A1


Give the customer name: VBC Industries Ltd

Country: IN (India)

Region: AP

Select company code data button

Reconciliation A/C: 200110 (Sundry debtors)

Sort key: 031

Select payment transactions tab

Terms of payment: 0001
Select sales area button
Customer pricing procedure: Select 1 (standard)

Select: shipping tab

Delivery priory: Select 02 (Normal)

Shipping conditions: Select 01 (As soon as possible)

Select: Billing document tab

Select: Price determination check box

Inco terms: select EXW (From plant)

Account assignment group: Select 01 (Domestic revenues)

Output tax classification: select 1 (Liable for tax)


Creation of finished goods material master: (MM01)

Give the material no: AMLFG

Industrial sector: Mechanical engineering

Material type: Finished product

Press: select views button

Select: Basic data

Select: Sales: sales Org data1

Select: sales: sales org data2

Select: Sales: general/plant data

Select: MRP

Select: General/plant/data/storage

Select: accounting 1

Select organization levels button

Give the plant: AMLP

Storage location: Hyd

Sales organization: AMLS

Distribution channel: AD


Give the description: Finished product

Base unit of measurement: Kg

Gross weight: 1000 Grams

Select: Sales: sales organization data1 tab

Division: A1

Tax classification: Select1 (Full tax)

Select: Sales: sales organization to tool tab

Account assignment: select 03 (Finished goods)

Select: sales: general/plant

Availability check: Select KP (No check)

Transportation group: 0003 (Container)

Loading group: 0003 (Manual)

Select: MRP1 tab

MRP Type: Select ND (No planning)

Select: accounting 1 tab

Valuation class: AML2 (Finished products)

Price control: Select S (Standard price)

Standard price: 400/-
Select save button (or) (Ctrl + s)
 Creation of condition types:

Logistics à sales & Distribution àMaster Data àconditions àselect using condition type à Create (VK11)

Give the condition type: PR00 (Price)

Select: Key combination button

Select: Material with release status radio button

Give the material No: AMLFG

Amount: 500/-

Valid on: 01.04.2006 to 31.03.2007
Save (or) (ctrl +s)

Select back arrow

Give condition type: MWST (Output tax)

Select key combination button

Select domestic taxes radio button


Give the country: IN (India)

Valid on 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999

Tax classification customer: 1 (Liable for Tax)

Tax classification for material: 1

Tax code: Select AO


Ignore the message, press enter


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