Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP FICO Accounts Payable

Accounts payable (A/P)

SAP FICO Accounts Payable
       It is a subsidiary ledger

        This used when material management module is not use

        This is used for material purchases & salaries

       When MM Module is used à Use for services where TDS is to be deducted

            When we purchase Raw Material

                        Inventory Raw Material    Dr (General Ledger)
                                    To Party A/C (Subsidiary Ledger) – Sundry Creditors
                                                                                               Raw material (GL A/C)
                                                                                                   Control A/C

Basic settings for Accounts payable                                               

1. Creation of vendor Accounts Groups:

a. FI (Financial Vendor) (service parties)
 b. MM (Material management vendor) (Material Parties)
            For above both cases we have to specify reconciliation account field requirement

2. Creation of No. ranger for vendor’s Account
3. Assign number range group of vendor Account group
4. Define tolerance group for vendors.
5. Creation of 2 G/L Masters

            a. Inventory raw material à Current Assets loans & Advances
            b. Sundry Creditors raw materials à Current liabilities & Provision

6. Creation of Vendor masters
7. Document type and N0. Ranges àKR – Vendor Invoice
                                                            KZ – Vendor Payment
                                                            KA – Vendor document for transfer/reversal

8. Posting Keys à31 Vendor Credit
                                 25 Vendor debit

1. Creation of vendor accounts groups

SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable & Accounts payable àVendor accounts àMaster data àPreparation for creating vendor master data à define account groups with screen layout (Vendors).

Select new entries button

Account group – AML1

Name: FI Vendors for AML

Double click on company code data

Double click on account management

Reconciliation account select required entry field

Cash management makes it suppress field.

Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

Select create request button

Give the short description: Account payable (AP) Customization of AML


Press enter once again to save in your request

Select next entry button

Give the account group – AML2

Name: MM Vendors for AML

Double click on company code data

Double click on Account Management

Reconciliation Account make required entry field

Cash management group make it suppress


Create No. ranges for vendor accounts:

            Same path (Transaction code XKN1)

            Select change intervals button
            Select interval button

            Give the no. range 29

            From No: 8700001   to No: 8800000


            Select interval button once again

            No. of range: 39

            From No: 8800001

            To No: 8900000

            Enter and save

Assign No. ranges to vendor accounts groups:

            Same path

            Select position button

            Give the account group AML1


            For AML1 – Assign No. range: 29

            For AML2 – No. range: 39

            Select save button (or) (ctrl +s)

            Save in your request

Define tolerance group of vendors:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable and Accounts payable àBusiness transactions à out going payments à Manual out going payments àDefine tolerances (Vendors)

            Select new entries button

            Give the company code: AML

            Tolerance group: Blank

            Give the description àTolerance group for AML


            Save in your request

Creation of 2 G/L Accounts: (FS00):

            Give the G/L Account No: 200120

            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            G/L Account No: 200100 (cash account)

            Company code: AML


            Change short text to inventory RM

            Change G/L log text to inventory raw material

            Select create/bank/interest tab

            Change field status group of G001

            Deselect relevant cash flow check box


      2. G/L Account No: 100501

            Company code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account No: 100500 (out standing expenses)

            Company code: AML


            Select type/description tab

            Change the short text to Sundry Creditors to RM
            G/L Account log text to: Sundry Creditors to Raw material

            Select control data tab

            Deselect only balance in local currency check box

            Reconciliation Account for account type: Select vendors

            Deselect open item management check box

            Sort Key: Select 012 vendor number

            Select create/bank/Interest tab

            Field status group select G067 (Reconciliation account)

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

Creation of vendor master:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à Accounts payable à Master records àmaintain centrally à Create (XK01)

            Give the company code: AML

            Account group: Select AML1


            Title: Company

            Name: J K Synthetics Ltd.

            Street: Ameerpet

            Postal code: 500000/ Hyderabad

            Country: IN

            Telephone: 55626246

            Select next screen button (3 times)

            Reconciliation Account: Select the drop down the button

            Select 100501 – Sundry Creditors raw material

            Sort key: 012 (Vendor No)

            Select next screen button

            Payment terms: Select 0001 (payable immediately due net)

            Tolerance group: Blank

            Check double invoice check box

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s).

Document types & Number ranges (0BA7)

            Select position button

            Give the document type KR (Vendor Invoice)


            Select document type KR

            Select details button

            Note down the No. Range: 19

            Select number range information button

            Give your company code: AML

            Select change intervals button

            Select interval button

            No. Range: 19: year: 2006; From No: 100001 to 200000

            Enter & save

            Select back arrow 3 times

            Select KZ – Vendor payment

            Select details button

            Note down the No. range: 15

            Select No. range information button

            Give the company code: AML

            Select change intervals button

            Select interval button

             No. Range: 15: year: 2006; From No: 200001 to 300000

            Enter & save

            Select back arrow 3 times

            Select KA – (Vendor Document)

            Select details button

            Note down the No. range: 17

            Select No. range information button

            Give the company code: AML

            Select change intervals button
            Select interval button

             No. Range: 17: year: 2006:  From No: 300001 to 400000

            Enter & save (or) (ctrl + s).


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