Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP FICO Accounts payable

SAP FICO Accounts payable
Terms of Payment:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable and Accounts payable àBusiness transactions à Incoming invoices (Credit memos) àMaintain terms of payment

            Select new entries button
            Give the payment terms: AML
            Select customer check box
            Select vendor check box
            Document date: Posting Bill date
            Posting date:
            Entry date
            With in 10 days: 3% cash discount
            With in 20 days: 2% Cash discount
            With in 30 days: due
            Select default for base line date: posting date
            1stterm: 3% - 10 days
            2ndterm: 2% - 20 days
            3rdterm: No discount – 30 days
            Press Enter
            Save in your request
Cash discount:

Creation of G/L Account: Called cash discount received under other income group
(T.code  (FS00)

            Give the G/L Account No: 300101

            Company Code: AML

            Select with template button

            Give the G/L Account No: 300100 (Exchange gain)

            Company code: AML


            Change the short text and G/L Account long text to: cash discount received

            Other fields are same

            Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Assignment of account for automatic postings:

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable and accounts payable àBusiness transactions à out going payments à out going payment global settings àdefine accounts for cash discount taken. (Transaction code is OBXU)

            Give your chart of accounts: AML

            Select save button

            Give the account No: 300101

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

            Save in your request

Purchase invoice posting: (F-43)

            Document date: 01.08.2006 (Party bill date)

            Posting date: 16.08.2006 (Goods received date)

            Type: KR

            Company code: AML

            Posting key: 31

            Give the account no: 8700001


            Give the amount: 100000

            Business Area: AMH

            Payment terms: AML1

            Text: Purchase invoice posting


            Ignore the message, press enter

            Give the posting key: 40

            Give the account No: 200120 (Inventory raw material)


            Amount: ‘*‘

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’

            Document àSimulate and save

            Go and see the vendor A/C: (FBL1N)

            Vendor account: 8700001

            Company code: AML

            Select open items radio button


            Select change lay out button

            From the hidden fields column select current cash discount amount fields

            Select amount in document currency under column content.

            Select left arrow button

            Select copy button

Out going payment: (F-53)

            Give the document date: 21.08.2006

            Type: KZ

            Company Code: AML

            Clearing text: Out going payment

            Account number under bank data: 200105

            Business Area: AMH

            Amount: 97000

            Text: out going payment
            Account: under open item selection: 8700001

            Account type: K comes by default

            Select process open items button

            Double click on payable amount: 100000


            Double click on blue font line items
            Text: enter ‘+’
Automatic payment program:

            System will verify the due dates

            System issue check

            System will pass the entry and clear party account

            It will prepare payment advice

            It updates check register automatically

            It will be used by cash rich companies

            It will be run this weekly/10days/15days/Monthly.

            Your check lot should be sequential
We are not programmers we used system defined check format and payment advice format.
            Give ranking bank wise with available balance

            Before issue to gives a proposal

It shows for which party for which bills from which bank it is going to issue the checks.

            We can edit the proposal
Edit the proposal:

1.      By blocking some invoices for payment
2.      By changing bank
1ststep: Set up – payment methods per country for payment transactions

Path:SPRO àFinancial Accounting à Accounts receivable and accounts payable àBusiness transactions à out going payments à Automatic out going payments àPayment method/ bank à selection for payment program àset up payments method per country for payment transactions (Transactions code: FBZP)

            Select new entries button

            Give the country: IN (India)

            Payment method: J

            Description: Check

            Select out going payments radio button

            Select check radio button

            Document type for payment: KZ

            Clearing document type: KZ

            Payment medium program: This is system defined program(REFOUS_C)

            Name of the print data: LIST1S


            Save in your request

Set up Payment methods for company code for payment transactions:

            Select new entries button

            Give the posting company code: AML

            Payment method: J

            Minimum amount: 100

            Maximum amount: 9999999999

            Select payment per due day check box

            Select form data button

            Form for the payment transfer medium: Note down

            F110 – Premium – Check

            Drawer of the form: For Aravind Mills Ltd.

            Authorized signatory
            Save in your request
Set up All Company codes for payment transactions:

Same path:

            Select new entries button

            Give your company code: AML

            Paying company code: AML

            Select separate payment per business area check box

            Special G/L Transactions to pay under vendors: Enter A (Advance)


            Save in your request

Set up paying company code for payment transactions:

            Same path

            Select new entries button

            Give the paying company code: AML

            Select forms button

            Form for the payment advice (F110_ D_ AVIS)

            Select sender details button

            Text I.D: Select ST (Standard text)

            Letter header: F_ 0001 _ Header

            Footer text: F _ 0001 _ Footer

            Sender: F_0001_ Sender

            Save (or) (ctrl + s)

            Save in your request

Creation of sequential check lots:(Transaction code: (FCHI)

            Give the paying company code: AML

            Hose Bank: SBI

            Account ID: SBI1

            Select change button

            Select create button

            Give the lot No: 2

            Give the check No: 500001 to 501000

            Deselect non sequential check box

            Enter and save

Bank determination:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounts à accounts payable à Periodic processing àPayments (Transaction code F110)

            From the menu select environment  àMaintain configuration

            Select bank determination button

            Select position button

            Give the paying company code: AML


            Select paying company code: AML

            Double click on ranking order folder
            Select new entries button
            Give the payment method: J
            Currency: INR
            Rank order: 1
            House Bank: SBI

            Save in your request
Double click on bank accounts folder:

            Select new entries button

            House bank: SBI

            Payment method: J

            Currency: INR

            Account ID: SBI1

            Bank sub account: 200105 (SBI Current account)

            Business Area: AMH


Double click on available amounts folder:

            Select new entries button

            Give the house bank SBI

            Account ID: SBI1

            Days: enter 999

            Currency: INR

            Available for out going payments: 2000000

Assign payment method in vendor master:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à Accounts payable à Master records àMaintain centrally à Change (Transaction code: XK02)

            Give the vendor No: 8700001
            Company Code: AML
            Select payment transaction check box under company code data
            Give the payment method: J

Purchase invoice posting (F-43)

            Give the document date: 23.08.2006

            Type: KR

            Company code: AML

            Posting Key: 31

            Account No: 8700001


            Amount: 6666

            Business Area: AMH

            Payment term: 0001

            Text: Purchase invoice testing

            Posting Key: 40

            Account No: 200120 (Inventory raw material)


            Amount: ‘*’

            Business Area: AMH

            Text: ‘+’
            Document àSimulate and save

Automatic Payment Program run (F110)

            Run date: 23.08.2006
            Identification: AML1
            Select parameter tab
            Your posting date and documents entered up to date is come automatic
            Give the company code: AML
            Payment methods: J
            Next posting date: 30.08.2006
            Vendor A/C: 8700001 to 8800000

            Select back arrow

            Select schedule proposal button

            Select start immediately check box


            Go and press enter till you get the message payment proposal has been created

            Select edit proposal button


            Double click on amount field 16666

            To block invoice for payment double click on invoice amount

            Payment block select A (Block for payment)


            To change the bank double click on invoice amount

            Select real locate button

            Give the payment method: J

            Give the house bank: SBI

            Account ID: SBI 1

            Enter and save

            Select back arrow: 2 times

            It gives the message payment proposal has been edited

            Select payment run button


            Go and press enter till you get the message payment run has been carried out

For check Printing:

            Select print out /data medium tab

            For the program: RF FOUS _ C

            Give the variant: AM

            Select maintain variants button

            Select continue button

            Give the program run date: 23.08.2006

            Identification feature:             AML1
            Paying company code: AML

            Payment Method: J

            Business area: AMH

            House bank: SBI

            Account ID: SBI1

            Check lot No: 0002

            Select print checks check box

            Printer Name: LP01

            Select print immediately check box

            Select print payment advice notes check box

            Printer: LP01

            Select: Print immediately check box

            Select print payment summary check box

            Printer: LP01

            Select: Print immediately check box

            Number of sample print outs – ‘0’

            Select don’t void any checks check box

            Select attributes button
            Give the description: SBI Check print 23.08.2006


            Select back arrow


            Once again select back arrow

            Select print out button
            For job Name, in place of question mark

            Give the variant: AM


            Enter once again

            To view the check printing, for the menu select system à services àout put control


            Select check spool no. Check box

            Select display contents button

Go and see the party A/C: (FBL1N)

            Give the vendor A/C No: 8700001

            Company Code: AML

            Select cleared items radio button


            Double click on the line item having document type KZ for Rs. 6666

            Select call up document over view button

            From the menu select environment check information

            Go and see the check register: FCHN

            Give the paying compared code: AML


Credit memo: This is done when the material returned reduced price
a) Vendor raised credit note on AML (Document Type: KA)
b) AML raises debit note on vendor (Document Type: KG)
            For both above cases no. Ranges: 17
Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à Accounts payable à Document entry àCredit memo – general (F-41)

            Document date: 23.08.2006

            Type: KG

            Company code: AML

            Posting key: 21

            Give the account No; 8700001


            Give the amount: 1000

            Business area: AMH

            Text: Credit memo posting

            Posting Key: 50

            Account No; 200120 (Inventory raw material)

            Amount: ‘*’
            Business area: AMH
            Text: ‘+’

            DocumentàSimulate and save


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