Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP CO Product Costing

SAP CO Product Costing
Maintain exchange rate type for M & P for INR to EURO:

M – Average rate
P – Cost planning

Transaction code: OB08

Select new entries button

Exchange rate type: M

Valid from: 01.04.2006

From currency: INR

To currency: EURO

Direct quotation: 0.2


Save in your request

Exchange rate: P

Valid date: 01.04.2006

From currency: INR to Currency: EURO

Direct quotation: 0-2

Save (or) (ctrl + s)

Creation of G/L account: (FS00)

Production order difference account

Give the G/L account No: 400201

Company code: AML

Select with template button

G/L account No: 400200 (Conversion charges)

Company code: AML


Change short text & G/L text to: production order differences

Select create/Bank/interest tab

Field status group: G014 (MM Adjustment Accounts)


One more account

G/L Account No: 100599

Company code: AML

Select with template button

 Give G/L account No: 100500 (Outstanding expenses)

Company code: AML


Change short text & G/L text to: stock taking account

Select create/Bank/interest tab

Field status group: G049 (Manufacturing costs account)

Select control data tab

Deselect open item management check box


Select the G/L account: 300200 (Increase/decrease stock FG)

Company code: AML

Select create/bank/interest tab

Field status group change to: G036


Select edit cost element button

Valid from: 01.04.2006 to 31.12.9999


Cost element category: select 22 (External settlement)


Assignment of accounts for automatic postings:

Transaction code: OBYC

Double click on PRD (Cost price differences)

Give your chart of accounts: AML

Select valuation modifier check box


Valuation modifier: X

Account Number: 400201


Save in your request

Select back arrow

Double click on GBB

Valuation modifier: X

General modification: AUA

Valuation class AML2

Account No: 300200

Valuation modifier: X

General modification: BSA

Valuation class: AML1

Account: 100599 (Stock taking account)


Save in your request

Define order type dependant parameters:

SPRO à production àshop floor control à master data à order àdefine order type dependant parameters (T. Code: OPL8)

Select order type: PP0K (For plant 1000)

Select copy as button

Give the plant: AMLP

Enter & Save

Define scheduling parameters for production orders:

Up to shop floor control the path is same

Operations à scheduling àdefine scheduling parameter for production orders (T. Code: OPU3)

Select order type: PP01 (for plant 1000)

Select copy as button

Change the plant to AMLP

Enter & Save

Save in your request

Define checking control:

Up to shop floor control the path is same

Operations à availability check àdefines checking control (T. Code: OPJK)

Select order type: PP02 (with business function) &
Order type: PP01 with business function 2 for plant 1000

Select copy as button

Give your plant: AML1
Once again give your plant: AMLP
Enter & Save
Save in your request
Define confirmation parameters:

Up to shop floor control the path is same

Operations à confirmations àDefine confirmation parameters

Transaction code: OPK4

Select order type: PP010 (for plant 1000)

Select copy as button

Give the plant: AMLP

Enter & Save

Creation of production order:

Path:Logistics àproduction àproduction control à orders à create àwith material (T. Code: COOK)

Give the material no: AMLFG1

Production plant: AMLP

Planning plant: AMLP

Order type: PP01 (Standard production order)


Total quantity – 10kgs

Start date & Finished date: 10.12.2006
Select cost order button
Ignore the warning messages, enter
From the menu select go to àanalysis
Select back arrow
Select release order button
Note down order No: 60002846
From the menu select order àdisplay
Transaction code: CO03
Select assignment tab
Note down the reservation number: 17516
AML Raw material to receipt by way of opening stock

Path:Logistics àmaterials management à Inventory management à gods movement àgoods receipt àother (MB1C)

Give the movement type: 561

Plant: AMLP

Storage location: Hyd


Give the material No: AMLRM2

Give the qty: 100Kgs


From the menu select other goods receipts àdisplay


Select accounting documents button

Select accounting document number

89 - 200121 – Inventory RM local -10000 – AMLRM2 – AML – BSX
91 – 100599 – Stock taking A/C – 10000 – AMLRM2 – AML – AMLTGBB BSX

10000: Qty & rate as per material master

Goods issued for production order

Path:Logistics àmaterials management à inventory management à goods movement àgoods issue (T. Code: MB1A)

Select to reservation button

Give the reservation number: 17516


Give actual consumption AMLRM1 – 15kgs
                                         AMLRM2 – 15kgs


From the menu select goods issue àdisplay


Select accounting documents button

Select accounting document number

Work in process calculation:

Path:Accounting àcontrolling àproduct cost controlling à cost object controlling à product cost by order àperiod end closing à single functions à work in process àindividual processing à calculate (KKAX)

Give the order: 60002845

WIP to period: 9 (December)

Fiscal year: 2006

RA (Result analysis) version: select 0

Select test run check box


Select back arrow and deselect check run and execute

Settlement of work in process to accounts:

Up to period end closing the path is same

Single functions àsettlement àindividual processing (T. code: K088)

Give the order No: 60002845

Settlement period: 9

Fiscal year: 2006

Select test run check box


Select back arrow

Deselect test run check box


Select detail list button

Select accounting documents button

Select accounting document number

50 – 300201 – Inc/Dec in stock WIP – 2625 – P & L A/C

40 – 200123 – Work in process – 2625 – Balance sheet

Actual overhead calculation

Path:up to period end closing the path is same

Single functions àoverhead àindividual processing (KGI2)

Give the order No: 60002845

Period: 9

Fiscal year: 2006

Select test run check box

Select dialog display check box


Select back arrow

Deselect test run check box


Confirmation of production order:

Logistics à production àproduction control à confirmation à enter àfor operations àtime ticket (CO11N)

Give the order number: 60002845

Operation: 10

Confirmation type: select final confirmation

Yield: 10kgs

For activity2: give the qty: 60

Unit of measurement: H


Production receipt against production order

Logistics à materials management àinventory management à goods movement à goods receipt àfor order (MB31)

Give the document date & posting date: 21.12.2006

Movement type: 101

Give order No: 60002845

Plant: AMLP

Storage location: Hyd

Enter, ignore the warning message and press enter


From the menu select goods receipt àdisplay


Select accounting documents button

Select accounting document No

To make order technically complete (IECO)

Logistics à production àproduction control à order à change (CO02)
Give the order No: 60002845
To close the order from the menu select functions àrestrict processing à technically complete
Assign variance key in material master (MM02)

Give the material No: AMLFG1

Select organization levels button

Plant: AMLP


Select costing 1 tab

Assign variance key: AML


Calculation of variances:

Up to period end closing the path is same

Single functions àVariances àindividual processing (KKS2)

Give the order: 60002845

Period: 9

Fiscal year: 2006

Select test run check box


Select back arrow

Deselect run check box


Open one more session with (T. Code: CO03) (Order display)

Give the order No: 60002845
From the menu select go to àcosts àanalysis
Calculation of work in process once again for December (KKAX)

Give the order number: 6002845

WIP period: 9

Fiscal year: 2006

RA version: 0

Select test run check box


Select back arrow

Deselect test run check box


Settlement of work in process of accounts (K088)

Give the order No: 6002845

Settlement period: 9

Fiscal year: 2006

Select test run check box


Select back arrow

Deselect test run check box
Select detailed list button
Select accounting documents button
Select accounting document no

91 – 300200 – Inc/Dec in stock FG1 – 975 – (AMLFG1 – AML2 – GBBAVA
83 – 400201 – Prod. Order difference – 975 – AMLFG1 – AML2 – PRD
40 – 300201 – Inc/Dec in stock WIP – 2625
50 – 200123 – work in process.



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