Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP FICO Chart of Accounts Asset Accounting

Chart of Accounts

SAP FICO Chart of Accounts
Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à General ledger à Information system à General ledger reports à Master data à Chart of Accounts à Chart of Accounts (T. Code S_ALR_87012326)

Give the Chart of Accounts: AML


5) Trial Balance:

Path: Up to General ledger reports the path is same
            Accounts Balances à Korea (Country) à Trial Balance (South Korea)

T. Code: S_ALR_87012310

Give the company code: AML


Ignore the warning message – Press enter
Select current layout button

Keep the fields – G/L Account No
                            G/L Account Log text
                            Closing Balance


To down load to excel

From the Menu select list à Exports à Spread sheet

Enter, select table radio button

Enter, enter once again

6) Ledger:

Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à General Ledger à Periodic Processing à Closing à Document à Balance audit trial à All Accounts à General Ledger from the document file (T. Code S_ALR_87100205)

Give the company code: AML


Select the current layout button

Keep the fields document numbers posting date

Other fields you can hide

From the hidden fields column select

Debit amount is local currency
Credit amount is local currency

Select cumulative balance field

Select text fields

Select left arrow

Change the column positions

Document number should be 1

Posting date should be 2

Test should be 3

Debit amount in LC should be 4

Credit amount in LC should be 5

 Cumulative balance 6

Select total check box for debit amount in LC, Credit amount in LC

Select copy button

Double click on document number

From the menu select settings à Layout à Save

(To save the layout)

7) Vendor list:

Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à Accounts Payable à Information system à Reports for Accounts payable accounting à Master data à Vendors list
   (T. Code S_ALR_87012086)

Give your company code: AML

Select address and telecom master check box


8) Vendor wise Purchases

Up to reports for Accounts payable Accounting the path is same
à Vendor balances à Vendor business

(T. Code S_ALR_87012093)

Give the company code: AML
9) Outstanding list of Vendors:

Up to reports for Assets Payable Accounting. The path is same

            Vendors items à use of vendor open items for printing

(T. Code S_ALR_87012083)

Give the company code: AML


10) Age wise Analysis

Up to reports for Accounts Payable Accounting the path is same
            Vendors à Items à Vendor payment history (With 01 sorted list)

(T. Code S_ALR_87012085)

Give the company code: AML

Summarization level enter ‘0’

Select days over due sorted list check box

11) Advance Payment report

Up to reports for Accounts Payable Accounting the path is same

Vendor Items à List of down payment open on key date à vendor

(T. Code S_ALR_87012105)

Give the company code: AML


12) Depreciation fore case:

Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à Fixed Assets à Information system à Reports on Assets Accounting à Depreciation fore cast à Depreciation on capitalization assets (Depreciation Simulation)

(T. Code S_ALR_ 87012936)
Give your company code: AML

Give the report date the last date up to which year we want to see the report (31.03.2009); 2006, 2007, 2008 (31.03.2006)


13) Fixed Assets schedule as per companies Act

Path: Information systems à Accounting à Financial Accounting à Fixed Assets à Assets History sheet (T. Code AR02)

Give the company code: AML

Report date: 31.03.2007

Select group to only radio button

Deselect use ALV grid check box


Select Assets button

Double click on assets retirement

Balance sheet & profit and loss A/C creation (Financial Statement version creation) (FSV)

Any balance sheet, you have 3 levels

  1. Summary
  2. Schedule
  3. Accounts


Share capital                        Equity share capital          G/L Account No: 100000
                                             Pref. share capital             G/L Account No: 100001   

It is button to create minimum 2 versions

Client 000 à schedule VI format (BAIN)

Client 800 à create new format

Path for financial statement version creation:

SPRO à Financial Accounting à general ledger accounting à business transactions à closing à documenting à define financial statement versions

Select new entries button

Financial statement version: AML

Name: Balance sheet & profit & loss account

Maintain language: select EN

Select item keys automatic check box

Give year chart of accounts: AML


Save in your request

Select financial statement items button

Keep the cursor on AML

Select create items button

Give the name: Balance sheet
                         Profit & loss A/C
                         Net profit/loss carried to balance sheet


Double click on no text exists against asset

Give the item Assets

Keep the cursor on assets

Press select button

Keep the cursor on balance sheet, select reassign button

Select subordinate radio button

Double click on No text against liabilities

Give the item liabilities


Keep the cursor on liabilities

Press select button

Keep the cursor on balance sheet

Select reassign button

Select subordinate radio button

Keep the cursor on profit & loss A/C

Select create items button

Give the items: Income

Keep the cursor on liabilities

Select create items button

Give the items: Share capital
                         Reserves & Surplus
                         Secured Loans
                         Unsecured Loans

Keep the Cursor on Assets

Select create items button

Give the items: Net Fixed Assets
                         Net Current Assets
                         Miscellaneous Expenditure


Keep the cursor on Income

Select create items button

Give the items: Sales
                         Other income
                         Increase/decrease in stocks

Keep the cursor on expenditure

Select create items button

Give the items: Raw material consumption
                         Personnel cost
                         Manufacturing Expenses


Enter & save

Save in your request

Double click on No test exist against net result profit

Give the items: Net profit transferred from P & L A/C


Keep the cursor on net profit transferred from P & L A/C

Press select button

Keep the cursor on Reserves & Surplus

Select reassign button

Select subordinate radio button


Double click on No text exist against net result loss

Give the item: Net loss transferred from P & L A/C


Keep the cursor on net loss transfer from P & L A/C

Press select button

Keep the cursor on miscellaneous expenditure

Select reassign button

Select subordinate radio button


Assignment of accounts

Keep the cursor on share capital

Select assign accounts button

Give from Account: 100000 to 100099

Select debit & credit check box

From Account: 100101 to 100999: select debit & credit check box

(Except 100100)


Keep the cursor on Net Fixed Assets:

Select assign accounts button

Give from Account: 200000 to 299999

Select debit & credit check box


Keep the cursor on Sales:

Select assign accounts button

Give from Account: 300000 to 399999

Select debit & credit check box


Keep the cursor on Raw material consumption

Select assign accounts button

Give from Account: 400000 to 499999

Select debit & credit check box


Keep the cursor on Net profit/Loss carried to balance sheet:

Select assign accounts button

Give the Account No: 100100

Select debit & credit check box


To check all the accounts have been assigned or not select check button

Select non assigned accounts check box

Enter & Save

Double click on Liabilities

Start of Group: Liabilities

End of Group: Total Liabilities

Select display total check box

Double click on Share capital

Start of Group: Sources of fund

End of Group: Share capital

Select display total check box

Double click on Reserves & Surplus

End of Group: Reserves & Surplus

Select display total check box

Double click on Assets

Start of Group: Assets

End of Group: Total Assets

Select display total check box

Double click on Net Fixed Assets
Start of Group: Application of funds
End of Group: Net fixed Assets
Select display total check box

Double click on miscellaneous expenditure

End of Group: miscellaneous expenditure

Select display total check box

Double click on profit & loss A/C

Start of group: Profit & Loss A/C

Select display total check box

Double click on income

Start of group: Income

End of group: Total income

Select display total check box


Open the Balance Sheet (FSE2) – What we are created

Give the financial Statement version: AML


Double click on sales

End of group: Sales

Select display total check box


Double click on expenditure

Start of group: Expenditure

End of group: Total expenditure

Select display Total check box


Double click on raw material consumption

End of group: Raw Material Consumption

Select display total check box


Double click on net profit/loss carried balance sheet                                  

End of group: Net profit/loss carried to balance sheet

Select display total check box


Double click on no text exist against P&L result

Give the item: Net Profit/Loss carried to Balance Sheet

End of group: Net Profit/Loss carried to Balance Sheet

Select display total check box

Enter & Save

Save in your request 

Open one more session to view the Balance sheet

Accounting à Financial Accounting à General ledger à Information system à General Ledger reports à Balance sheet/profit and loss statement/Cash flow à General àActual/Actual comparisons à Balance/Profit and loss statement (S_ALR_87012284)

Give the company code: AML

Business area: AMH

Financial statement version: AML

Reporting year: 2006

Reporting periods: 1 to 16

Comparison year: 2005

Comparison periods: 1 to 16

Select classical list radio button

Select special evaluations tab

Balance sheet type: select 1 (standard financial statement)

Select output control tab

Company code: summarization: select 1 (Balance sheet per company code)

Business area summarization: select 1 (Balance sheet per Business area)

Summary report: enter 3

Comparison type: select 1

Scaling: select 5/2

a.       Full Rupee with paisa: 0/2
b.      Only rupees à 0/0
c.       Rupees. In Lakhs (no thousands in decimal) – 5/0
d.      Rupees in Lakhs, thousands in decimals – 5/2
e.       Rupees in Millions – No decimals – 6/0
f.       Rupees in Crores -  no decimals – 7/0
g.      Rupees in Crores – Lakhs in decimals – 7/2


G.L Master – FS00
Vendor Masters – XK01
Customer Masters – XD01
Asset Masters – AS01
Material Masters – MM01

Open Excel

Fields Required:

            G.L Account No
            Company code
            Account Group
            Whether P&L Account
            Whether Balance Sheet Account
            Short text
            Long text
            Account currency
            Only balances in local currency
            Line item display
            Sort key
            Field status group

For each field there is a technical name
For each field note down technical name, type & length

1st Sheet

In SAP (FS00)

Give the G/L Account No: 100000

Company code: AML

Keep the cursor on G/L Account No, press F1

Select technical information button

Double click on field name

Copy the technical name in Excel: SAKNR

                                          Technical name           Type          Length
G/L Account No                 SAKNR                     C                  10

Company code                    BUKRS                     C                    4

Select back arrow in SAP

Keep the cursor on Account group

Press F1

Select technical information button

Double click on field name

Copy technical name: KTOKS in Excel

Type: C        Length: 4

Copy: XPLACCI    Technical name of P&L A/C
Type: C         Length: 1

Copy: XBILK       Technical name of Balance sheet

Type: C        Length: 1

For G/L Account short text: copy TXT20 - ML

Type: C Length: 20

Copy: TXT50 – TX – Long text technical name

Type: C           Length: 50

Select back arrow in SAP.FS00

Keep the cursor on Account Currency

Press F1   Select technical information button

Double click on field name

Copy in Excel: WAERS

Type: C

Length: 5

Copy: XSALH only balances in local currency

Type: C

Length: 1

For line item display: copy XKRES

Type: C           Length: 1

For sort key: copy: ZUAWA

Type: C           Length: 3

For field status group: FSTAG

Type: C             Length: 4

Save Excel file

Create new Excel File

Keep only one sheet

In SAP go to OBD4 (Account Group)

Copy: SCPL (Share Capital for 1st Account)

Copy: CASI (Current Assets)

Copy: SALE (Sales)

Copy: RMCN (Raw Material Consumption)

Select SALE, RMCN (Give x) for P&L

 SCPL, CASI (Give x) for Balance sheet A/C

2nd Sheet: see there is no other sheet (only one sheet)

Select the sheet (in Excel)

Select right mouse button

Select format cells

Select text

Select O.K button

From the menu select file à save as

Save the type: select text (Tab delimited)

Give the file name: AML Text


Select yes button

Close excel

G/L A/c NO
Co code
A/C Group
Short Text
Long Text
Only Bal
line Item
Field Status

P& LossA/c
Balance Sheet

in Loc Cur


Pref. Share capital
Pref. Share capital





Only Bal
line Item
Field Status
in Loc Cur


Use the Transaction code: LSMW in SAP

Project Name: AML

Sub Project: AML

Object: AML

Select credit entry button

Ignore the message press enter

Once again create entry button

Give the description G/L up loading


Description for sub project also: G/L up loading

Object also: G/L up loading


Select execute button (or) continue button

Execute once again

Select display/change button

Select batch input recording radio button

From the menu select go to à Recording over view

Select create recording button

Give the recording name: AMLGL

Description: GL Master


Give the transaction code: FS00


Give the G/L Account No: 100005

Company code: AML

From the menu select G/L Account à create

Give the account group: share capital

Select balance sheet account radio button

Give short text: Red. Pref. Share Capital

Give G/L Account Long Text: Redeemable Pref. Share capital

Select control data tab

Select only balances in local currency check box

Select line items display check box

Sort key: 001

Select create/bank/interest tab

Field status group: G001


Keep the cursor on FS00

Select default all button


Select back arrow 2 times

Give the recording: AMLGL

Enter & Save

Select back arrow


Select display/change button

Select create a structure button

Source structure: AMLGL Structure

Description: GL Structure for AML



Select back arrow


Select display/change button

Keep the cursor on AML G/L Structure

Select table maintenance button

Copy the field names from excel to SAP

Copy Code: from excel to SAP

Copy the length from Excel to SAP: save

Select back arrow and save once again

Select back arrow


Select display/change button


Select back arrow


Select display/change button

From the menu select entries à Auto fields mapping

Fuzzy probability percent: Give 100


Go on press accept proposal button till you get the message

Auto field mapping complete

Enter & save

Select back arrow

Skip maintain fixed values, transactions, user define routines

Select specify files radio button


Select display/change button

Keep the cursor on legacy data

Select Add entry button

Give the file name: AML Text

Name: GL uploading

Select tabulator radio button

Enter & Save

Select back arrow


Select display/change button


Select back arrow


Execute once again

Select back arrow 2 times

Skip display imported data

Select convert data radio button


Execute once again

Select back arrow 2 times

Skip display converted data

Select create a batch input session


Execute once again

Ignore the message – Enter


Select the session name: AML

Select Process button

Select display/errors only radio button

Select process button

Select exit batch input button

Use the transaction code: FS00

Cash Journal (Petty Cash Book)

Creation G/L Master – FS00

Give the G/L Account No: 200102

Company code: AML

Select with template button

Give the G/L Account No: 200100 (Cash A/C)

Company code: AML


Change the short text & long text to petty cash

Other fields are common

Select create/bank/interest tab

Select post automatically only check box

Save (or) ctrl +s

Define No. range intervals for cash journal document

SPRO à Financial Accounting à Bank Accounting à Business transactions à Cash Journal à Define no. range interval for cash journal documents

Give the company code: AML

Select change intervals button

Select interval button

Give the No. range – 01

From No: 1 to 100000

Enter & save

Set up cash Journal

Same Path:

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML

Cash journal No: 001

Give the G/L Account No: 200102 (Petty cash A/C)

Currency: INR

Document type for G/L Account: SA

Document type for vendor payment: KZ

Document type from vendor receipt: KZ

Document type for customer payment – DZ

Cash journal name, petty cash – city office

Save & save in your request

Create, change, and delete Business Transactions:

Same Path

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML

Business transactions type: Select R (Revenue)

G/L Account No: 300000

Cash Journal Business transactions – Revenues

Select Account Modifiable check box

Company code: AML
Business transactions: E (Expenses)
Account No: 400100 (Salaries)
Cash Journal, Business transaction expenses
Select: Account modifiable check box

Save, save in your request.
Set up parameters for Cash Journal:

Same Path

Select new entries button

Give the company code: AML


Variant: DEMOEN

Correspondence: SAP18

Save & save in your request

Cash Sales Posting:

Path: Accounting à Financial Accounting à Journal Ledger à documents entry à cash Journal Posing (FBCJ)

From the menu select: extras à Change cash journal

Give the company code: AML

Cash Journal: 001


Give the display period: 15.10.2006

Select cash receipts tab

Select business transactions: 1 (revenues)

Amount: 20000

G/L Account: 300000

Text: sales posting

Give the business area: AMH

Select post button
Select print: cash journal button

Ignore the message, enter


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