Sunday 21 January 2018

SAP FICO General Ledgre Creation of Ledgre Master Creation

SAP FICO General Ledgre Creation of Ledgre Master Creation
General ledger master creation  (G/L Masters)

G/L Masters created at

Field Year:

Chart of Accounts Area
Company Code Area
G/L Account No.

Account group

P&L A/C (or) B/S A/C

Short Text

Long Text

Account Currency 

Tolerance group

Open item management

Line item display

Short Key

Field status group

It having both charts of Account fields + company code Area fields.

To check Account groups for giving Account no.s

Path: SPRO àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger Accounting à G/L Accounts àMaster Records àPreparations àDefine account group (T.Code OBD4)

            Select position button

            Give your chart of accounts AML


            Reserves & Surplus     -           100100 to 100199

            Equity share capitals    -          100000 to 100099

            Current Assets             -          200100 to 200199

Creation of G/L Master (user levels)

Path:Accounting àFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Master records àIndividual processing à Centrally (T. Code FS00)

            Give the G/L Account No: 100100

            Company code AML

            From the Menu select G/L Account create

            Select the Account group: Reserves & Surplus

            Select Balance Sheet A/C Radio button

            Short Text – Surplus in P/L Account

            G/L Account Log Text – Surplus in Profit and Loss A/C

            Select Control data Tab

            Select only balances in currency check box

            Tolerance group àBlank

            Select Line Item display check box

Note: All Accounts give line item display check box.

            Sort key à Select 001 posting date

            Select create/bank/interest tab

            Field status group àSelect 001 General

            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

2. One more G/L Account – FS00

Give the G/L Account no: 100000

Company code AML

Select with Template button

Give G/L Account No. 100100

Company code AML

Press Enter

Select the Account Group: Share Capital

Change the Short text to equity share capital

Change the G/L Account long text equity share capital
Other fields are common

Select save button (or) (ctrl + s)

Give the G/L Account No. 200100

            Company code AML

            Select with Template button (w-Template)

            Give the G/L Account no. 100100 (Reserves & Surplus)

            Company code AML

            Press Enter

            Change the Account group to Current Assets & Loans and Advances

            Change short text to cash account

            Change G/L Account log text to cash account

            Select create/bank/Interest tab
            Change the field status group G005 (Bank Accounts)
            Select relevant to cash flow check box
            Select save button (or) (ctrl + s).
            To give the list of Accounts created

            Select drop button beside G/L Account No. (Or)  (T. code OBD4)

            The screen is called as Match code.

            Give the company code AML


            It gives the what Accounts that are created.

Posting of Transactions

Path:AccountingàFinancial Accounting à General Ledger à Document entry àGeneral posting (F-02)

            Document date: Party bill date à F4 – Calendar.
                                                                   F2 - Selection of date.

Posting date :Server date, Ledger updating based on posting date period comes automatically.

            Ref – Party Bill No

            Document No:

            Type: SA

            Company code: AML

            Currency – INR

            To differentiate between debit and credit
           You are using posting key

            Posting key (PST Key)

            40 – G/L Account debit

            50 – G/L Account credit

            Select posting key: 40

            The next field is account:

            Select A/C No: 200100

            Press Enter

            Give the amount 100000

            The fields are come on the basis of selection of Field Status Group

            Business Area: AMH (Hyderabad Business area)

            Text enter: Equity share capital receipt

Select posting key: Select 50

For Account: Select the drop down button

Give the company code AML

And press Enter

Select Account No: 100000 (Equity Share Capital)

Press Enter

You can make Enter amount manually i.e. 100000 (or)

Enter * (* makes debit and credit equal)

Business area: AMH

Text: Enter (+) (plus): Copying the latest line item narration (or) make manually

Press Enter

From the menu select documentàsimulate

In once document you can post up to 999 line item in a document

            Debit will be with out sign

            Credit will be with Minus (-) sign

            Once you complete select save button or (ctrl + s)

            It gives the message document ‘1’ was posted in company code AML.
How to view the latest document

            From the menu select document display

            Select display document header button (F5).

Change document

Path: Accounting àFinancial Accountingà  General Ledger àDocument àChange (Transaction code FB02)

            Press Enter

            Double click on 1st line item


            We can change only value date, assignment and text

How to view the documents:

Path:Accounting àFinancial accounting à General Ledger à Document àDisplay (Transaction code (FB03)

            Select document list button

            Give your company code: AML

            Give the document type: SA

            To give the posting date: From and to (Specific date)

            To view the document posted by a particular user

            From the menu select edit dynamic selections (shift + F4)

            Give the user name: SAP user

            Select execute button (F8)

            Double click on document No.1

It shows the document


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